I'm going to have to say "Teenage Dream", by Katy Perry. (If that's how you spell it. Trust me, I'm not taking the effort to Google it.) That song makes me sick. If I heard it, I'd probably try to drown it out with Slayer.
From now on, in the following posts, that song is automatically implied. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to listen to Mastodon now, or I might lose my hearing forever.
She sounds so weird when she says Friday. Anyways, I think the worst song ever is Justin Bieb-beib-beeb-who-gives-a-s**t-about-how-it's-spelled's song, Baby.
Has anybody else noticed this just turned into the IT'S FRIDAY thread? Anyway, just five minutes ago, this came up on the news. Apparentally, she doesn't care that people think her song is the worst of all time. I have to say this: She should. The lyrics just describe any regular Friday, which I could do in two sentences.
Have to go listen to something decent now as v6y suggested.
well its a tie between every song of justin bieber or rebecca blacks - friday mostly because of the 2 peoples voices and the song lyrics are pretty bad
@Muse2223 Holy crap. That "Peter John Anak Apai" was just sucky. As for Rusko Starr. Was he going for that Marilyn Manson/Justin Bieber/super freaky gayman look on purpose? Now, please excuse me. I have to go purge.