i have deleted 3 of my messages on my profile around 10 times each and they still wont go away, i have refreshed the page and done everything.
deleted them through my profile page, and through the view all comments page.
i use my profile for chatting to freinds and stuff like that. so when its full of some guy flaming/trolling at my profile i kinda want it gone otherwise i have veiw all comments before i can read what my freinds have to say.
please sort it out or failing that tell me how to fix it.
Just wondering, what do you mean by "yet another" because i haven't experienced any glitches on armor game
There are a few that come to mind: -In the Forums you can see the 41 years ago or some other date on a Forum. -When you go into a thread it opens up all the pages instead of just the first few. -You can see a trashcan on others' profiles. But when you click it you get a 404 message. -Where your Armor Points are on your profile, nothing shows up in those sections.
Well only on the games, sometimes when i play a game the music and every sound effect plays twice Anyone else have that problem?
That's a computer problem. Just refresh or restart and all shall be well.
-In the Forums you can see the 41 years ago or some other date on a Forum.
What puzzles me about that one is the consistency of the date. 2 years ago it said "39 years ago". What is it about 1970 that causes a glitch in the forums?
What puzzles me about that one is the consistency of the date. 2 years ago it said "39 years ago". What is it about 1970 that causes a glitch in the forums?
We have to travel into the past and find out what happened in the year 1970!
It's Unix time, obviously.
Comments will usually go away if you delete from the "Comments on: WhateverYourUsernameIs's Profile" instead of the profile page.
Now i remember, when i was learning web design there was one point there was something which counted the seconds from 1970 and i was thinking, why 1970? But thats cool.
Sometimes updating your profile won't get rid of them right away, but they will eventually be gone. Apparently the carrier pigeons take their sweet time relaying to the servers that you wish to have comments removed. We'll ask Ian to get those pigeons moving faster for ya brp. xD
Also, I think we can consider this question answered.