I've been Google searching for weird flavors of chips, and I came across a few that are just plain ridiculous.Then it dawned on me: chips aren't the only food with weird flavors. Here are some odd candy varieties I found:The last one is lemon-flavored. It has a normal flavor but you can see why I posted it.Here are some miscellaneous edibles that I felt needed to be posted:If you know of any strange flavors or you just happen to find some online, post them here. Pictures are always appreciated.
It is a candy flavor. it tastes like a blue raspberry air head. thats why i love it so much!
I would totally drink that dandelion tea a few pages back. I might just have to make some myself, it doesn't look hard.I think any and all placenta based foods are somewhat odd. If you didn't know that was a thing, and wiki'd it to check, I am so so sorry.
If you didn't know that was a thing, and wiki'd it to check, I am so so sorry.
Well it seems Wikipedia has failed me.Luckily, this site contains such necessary recipes as "lacenta cocktail". And when I say placenta, I mean human placenta. Yeah.
im going to throw up from that placenta thing... BRB
It sucks that my state doesn't sell the Blue Raspberry Soda. If it did I'd buy a bottle of it and drink it. Blue Raspberry is my favorite candy flavor.
1/4 cup fresh, raw placenta
EW That is really nasty and gross. What sicko made this drink up?
Apparently in france they have blue raspberry fanta
O.O i need to try some of that. I wonder if they can ship it. It looks delectable.
they probably could ship it to you but it might be cheaper to get the blue raspberry crush shipped to you depending on where you live
I'll have to try to find some somewhere. And yeah the crush would probably be easier since its in the US.
Yeah and it might even be possible to find the crush in a grocery store if you live in the right area
No such luck for me. I might be able to try and contact the company.
Oh my gosh I'd want that. I want to buy it right now. I wish every country sold these really good blue drinks.
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