ForumsWEPRPresident Barack Obama fires missiles at Libya.

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254 posts

President Obama raised many questions when he launched cruise missiles at Libya. Some reports say that Barack violated Federal laws by launching cruise missiles without congressional consultance. The missiles' purpose is to enforce the "No fly zone" that has been of much debate. Reports also claim that, with the "violation" commited, other agencies will take over control of the rising conflict. However, there are reports that this is false information. Many fear the widespread economic and political instibility coupled with the recent spike in natural disasters and the results of their damage.

  • 20 Replies
2,150 posts

don't get why everyone gets so hung up about oil.

the major reason is because a lot of republicans in the federal Gov't are oil company owners.. I think dubuyah was one too. That's why people freaked out and made the idiotic statement
we're in Iraq for the oil
. The real reason was similar to what's going on in Libya. There were protests for a democracy, and Saddam was killing Frak loads of his civilians, so we put a stop to that. Now we're in Afghanistan mainly to make their government stable and their military able to handle terrorist factions.
254 posts

Maybe. I personally beleive that were it possible...and not to be anti-democracy or anti-government but... There should be multiple heads asigned to each issue.

2,150 posts

Maybe. I personally beleive that were it possible...and not to be anti-democracy or anti-government but... There should be multiple heads asigned to each issue

There have been gov'ts like this... it's called an oligarchy I believe, and there are multiple... i guess you could say, dictators? I don't have any examples off the top of my head, but I learned about them in Government class
22,207 posts

I thought it was mainly Italy and France but I suppose some goes to the US. I still think we are stupid for not drilling domestic oil like the gulf, Rocky Mountains, Alaska, ect.

Actually, american oil companies developed a way to drill oil locked up in sideways shale deposits, which could provide i think like 500,000-1m barrels a day, something in that figure.

Well, yes but even the parts that aren't as densely populated your saying shouldn't be drilled on? I didn't say we should drill right down through where the Penguins are, Im saying we should drill where there isn't much more than rocks and snow.

Animals LIVE everywhere in Alaska, it is a fragile environment and is not to be tampered with in huge amounts. Plus, heard of the alaskan pipeline?

Well this is off topic....

I think Orion answered the OP perfectly, and I think if the US/UN hadn't helped there'd be a massacre in Libya.
254 posts

That's exactly what happened in most of the previously colonized Africa. There was outside intervention. The intervention was successful. Then the intervening force left have no government and minority extremists using teror tactics in order to take power. Take Uganda, Rwanda, Congo, and Western Sahara as examples.

"And that's the way the cookie crumbles."
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