Amor Games should have a contest that the first 15 gamers to complete or beat the story mode of EVERY game on Armor Games win a prize. (All rules of course would have to be regulated and enforced as well as created by Armor Games staff). They would have to be of a certain rank minimum and have a clean history. All disputes over time of finishing first, second, etc. should be settled using gamer points. The prize could be a free team up with Armor Games who will provide all the neccessary tools and some manual labor to create the game of your dreams. secondary prizes may include giftcards, free software updates, gamer points, merits, etc.
this would be cool, but there's about 2010 games on AG. and i know that not all of them have a "story mode" but it would take too long to sort those, and there would probably be too many anyway. a cool idea, but too impractical.
and there will be prizes and achievements in AG3 like shayeneii said, but no huge contest like this. (most likely)
Also, about this idea. I don't like it. Do you realize how long it would take to go through all those games and beat them all? Not all games have story-modes to them either.
I don't think it is a good idea because there are too many games on this site and in a couple of months, when AG3 is launched, there will be game achievements. And not all of the games in the site have a story.
Cormyn said in a thread that there are over 6,000 games in the system but not all of them were accepted and others were deleted form the site. Now the site has 2011 games. That guy has more games because he is an old user.
Think about playing 100 games ( and completing them ). It would be hard and frustrating, impratical and you would have to be a no-lifer to complete them in a period of time. as for AG3, will we have to make new accounts, and will our points be errased, forgoten ?
the amount of games changes every time a new game shows up on the home page, so we could be bickering all day about it. this idea, like i said before, is just too impractical, hard, and complicated.