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ForumsThe TavernMini Skits

14 3391
12,319 posts

In this topic, users can create skits. However, the "skits" are basically scripts with characters and may also include stage directions. This is a forum, so don't make them too long. Anyway, back to the skits. There are specific formatting rules, which I will post next. For each rule, I will provide one or more examples of what's right and what's wrong.

Formatting Rules:

1. Characters
You must include characters in your skit. This is the correct format:
Insert name of 1st character
Insert name of 2nd character
and so on
The limit is 7 characters, but skits with multiple characters (more than about 3 or maybe 4) tend to be longer. Character names may include letters, numbers, and spaces. However, these are the rules for character names:
If you want to use AG user names (which may include your own), do not have those characters swear, flame, or do anything else that is not allowed on the forum.
Do not include swearing in a name.

2. Descriptions
Descriptions are optional, but if you want to include one, put it in italics and put it in the beginning. You may also include a second description somewhere else in the skit, but you are limited to those 2 descriptions. This is an incorrect description:
There is a house in some place with 2 people in it. Those 2 people love to banter with each other.
This is a corrected version:
There is a house in some place with 2 people in it. Those 2 people love to banter with each other

3. Conversation
This is the main part of the skit. Each skit will be limited to 50 lines to keep things from getting out of hand. To do a line, include who says it, then the line. This is an incorrect format:
Sample 1 says, "What's going on?"
This is the corrected version:
Sample 1: What's going on?
Try to avoid all caps when writing lines. There are other ways to emphasize. This is incorrect:
Sample 2: DO NOT use that!
This is a corrected version with a sample form of emphasis:
Sample 2: Do not use that!

4. Special Formats
Armor Games frowns upon using all caps, so I will provide 3 ways to emphasize words or phrases in a line. They are:
Bold and italics
Italics are used if you want a word or phrase to stand out, like this:
Sample 1: Why are you using the chainsaw?
Bold text is used when you want to emphasize a certain word or phrase, like this:
Sample 1: Why are you using the chainsaw?
Combining the two lets you really emphasize a word or phrase, like this:
Sample 2: Stop what you're doing now!
You can also de-emphasize a word or phrase simply by emphasizing everything else, like this:
Sample 3: Go to the printer. Everybody go to the printer.
You can also emphasize a word in the description by making it bold and italicized. This is an example:
Once upon a time lived a magical being who loved to eat pancakes.
Like I said previously, all caps is not okay. Do not use quotes to plagiarize. Links and images are not allowed in skits, but are allowed in posts that don't have skits.

Contest Rules:
Yes, this is effectively a contest. You may post skits until May 24th. No skits are allowed once I announce the end of skit posting. Once skit posting ends, I will have a week to decide the 4 best skits. Then, on June 1st, I will announce the 4 finalists. Once I announce the finalists, Voting Week begins. I will provide voting rules when Voting Week begins, but voting ends June 7th. I will friend the winner of the contest.

  • 14 Replies
393 posts

Who would do all this just for you to friend them?
Sounds ridiculous.

12,319 posts

This is my skit:

Coke Manager 1
Coke Manager 2

Two Coke managers give a blind taste test, where the first one switches the Coke and Coke Zero, and the other one tastes the Coke Zero.

Coke Manager 1: Which one is it?
Coke Manager 2: [takes a sip] Coke.
Coke Manager 2: [gets hit pretty hard] Oww! Why did you do that?
Coke Manager 1: You told me to hit you if you got it wrong.
Coke Manager 2: [hits softly] That's a hit.
Coke Manager 2: [hits harder] That's what you did!
Coke Manager 1: [hits really hard] I did not!
Coke Manager 2: Oww!


Stage directions
You may also include stage directions in brackets before the actual line.

3,437 posts

The Writer concurs. Why should I devote my talent in the effort to gain you as a "friend". Frankly I could enter any other contest with the chance of winning money.

Also, explaining what a skit is is simple. It's a short script. A short script is considered 5-10minutes. Those scripts often 5-10 pages long depending on content and the way everything is acted out on stage. Asking for people to fit extremely short scripts on in this contest is ridiculous. Most scripts need to be at least a page long.

3,086 posts

And here I was thinking that you meant to have a thread about mini skirts! Don't I look the stupid one?!
Just kidding, but seriously, you might want to revise the rules a lot and change the section you've put this in.

4,689 posts

I thought this said mini skirts. My mistake.

12,319 posts

Who would do all this just for you to friend them?

I see that point now. I have another update based on this post.

New Reward for winning this contest
This reward replaces the initial reward for winning the contest. The winner of this contest will be celebrated with a forum post in the Tavern. I will also include a special thanks to everybody who voted for the winner. Then, I will create a skit dedicated to that winner.
644 posts

This reward replaces the initial reward for winning the contest. The winner of this contest will be celebrated with a forum post in the Tavern.

Um, I almost lol'd... We went from befriending to posting? Surely we can make this a bit better, or abolish the contest altogether, and allow everyone to just post their own skits...
I will also include a special thanks to everybody who voted for the winner.

They can't thank their own supporters??
I'm sorry but that part is the most ridiculous.
1,936 posts

This is pretty much the funniest competition I've seen. I agree with SupaLegit (nice user name) here. Why make it a competition? Just let people post random skits and don't put a limit on how long they have to be, as long as its legible and easy to read.

13,817 posts

And here I was thinking that you meant to have a thread about mini skirts!


I thought this said mini skirts. My mistake.


In response to the OP..

- Move this to the AMW. Sketch comedy counts as original writing.
- You need to give more guidelines, more general rules. You're throwing a bunch of writing style tips that anyone who knows how to write a script should be aware of.
- Is there a specific theme? How about a guiding hand?
- No length limitations anything?
- Why befriending?
- Thanking the supporters of the winner isn't very appropriate. Thank the contestants.
644 posts

I agree with SupaLegit (nice user name)


Thanking the supporters of the winner isn't very appropriate. Thank the contestants.

I can't believe I left that out :O

But seriously, this would be a great thread in the AMW, contest or not, just revise the winning and rules a bit.
5,845 posts

Plenty of contests have no prize in the AMW, the winner sometimes gets to choose the theme for the next round or something.

Wasn't too bad an idea.

599 posts

this should be in the AMW catorgory and you shouldnt make your skit off of a commercial Im pretty suree thats a copyright violation

2,150 posts

I will friend the winner of the contest.

That's not really a prize. This thing really doesn't make sense either.
5,845 posts

Enough about the prize. We've discussed it to death.

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