Where does anyone see how to get merits? If you don't know how to get them then you can't try to get them. How many Armor Points do you get for them anyway.
This comment didn't even get a merit (the comment is from the game Sierra 7)
I actually didnt beat somalia street for a long time because I kept running out of ammo. So I had to go back and beat the irish house with my pistol without reloading to get the extra magazines. Then I beat somalia street my first try after that. Any way I liked how you had to unlock the guns so the game wasn't so easy. Somalia street was pretty sweet. Seriously though, that LMG on the back of that car would've gone straight through those police barricades and really? It takes like two clips to unload on three people? Seriously? Whatever, I guess thats what makes the game so hard. 10/10 easily. Best first-person shooter on the computer ever.
1) You posted that comment two hours ago. Have patience. 2) You just ruined your chances of getting a merit for that comment since you posted it on the forums implying that it deserves to get a merit. 3) No reason to post in a thread from two months ago to bring it back up.