I dont know if this is known around the globe or not, but arabs planted a bomb in jerusalem last wed., which blew up a bus and killed 1, injured 30, i was there and got the trauma of my life it was SO scary seeing blood everywhere.
So i wanna spread the word out so people should know what happened.
Actually, it has a booming tech center. It's ratio of R&D spending to GDP is highest in the world.
Israel has produced 7 Nobel laureates since 1958. Truth be told, out of all the middle east save resort countries like Dubai, Israel is the only place of any real worth. If it wasn't for the oil, the sudden destruction of 95% of the middle east would have little impact on the world save how the stock prices fluctuate.
Honestly, once the oil runs out, every country but israel in the middle east will go back to being 3rd world tribesman fighting over whose great grand uncle killed whose sheep 400 years ago, well, it's like that now but people just won't care.
One good post after another. You deserve a reward or something.