I saw this weird pic on a website that it shows japan on the globe and it says above, holding F11 over here will prove that you are truly evil, so of course, i held on to F11, and if you didnt get it hold on to F11 and see what happens.
Quite honestly, I don't see how this belongs in WEPR. Where's the debate? What is there to discuss? I think this should be moved to the Tavern - it doesn't fit in any of the other categories.
In my neighborhood my family and I made cookies and sold them around the neighborhood and at school we had an assembly to discuss ways to help. We started a school fund raiser by selling cookies (again) to our neighbors based on my idea. We ended up donating over 20,000$ to the relief effort for Japan.
Ways to help Japan can be to fire people up like holding signs by the road like Nigahiga did [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cciUXpITsu0] or you can make money around your neighborhood or school. I can't really give anything else then that, but there are ideas online [url=http://www.misslori.tv/2011/03/18/miss-lori-shares-ideas-for-helping-the-victims-of-japans-earthquake-and-tsunami/]
I hope this helps people looking for ideas to give some help to the victims of the earthquake in Japan.
Quite honestly, I don't see how this belongs in WEPR. Where's the debate? What is there to discuss? I think this should be moved to the Tavern - it doesn't fit in any of the other categories.
The WEPR is not solely for debate. The first part of it is "World Events" and helping in the relief effort is most definitely a "World Event" Let's leave moving threads and determining where things go or do not go to the mods please and thank you.
There's an album called Songs for Japan where people like Adele and Eminem sing for them. It's a 37 song album for 10 bucks. All the money goes to Japan.