Then why did Jesus doubt God before he died? I don't remember the verse, and don't really want to look it up, but it was something like, "Oh Father, why have you abandoned me!"
Yep, there was such a verse indeed, it says "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, la'ma sabach-tha'ni?" that is, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"" (Mt 27:46). You should know that this is a cite from a psalm (22), which is directed at a sufferer to strengthen himself because God is in fact with him, and is a fairly common reading among Jews in troubles. And by reciting this they don't doubt God, so He did not as well.
hasn't that been done like 500 times the last month alone?
The thing with the weighting of the soul, I think, has already been talked over at least once here on AG. We have no proof that the lost of weight can be attributed to a soul; in fact thsoe are most probably just gases escaping from the corpse.
First, if you inflate a balloon with air that's warmer than the outside, and place it on the scale in absense of wind, it will weigh less than if deflated, due to Archimedian force applied to volume of heated air. Second, that body was warm enough to be above room temp, so any gases that escape the body will also be warmer, therefore in this case the body will weigh more after release of gases than before.
I just read the second link, about the soul.. First off, "scientists say souls exist" is a plain lie; at least concerning most scientists.
Agreed here, but the link states that no common source of known brain alerations on molecular and cellular levels is verified as a generator for NDEs. This in turn means that your (MGW's at least) attribution to NDE as an anoxia-generated is disproven. So, NDEs are open for you to disprove again, unless you will attribute them to a kind of experience of a human that is independent of the body. MGW, please read this too.
What is your consciousness? Your nervous system, your brain mainly.
Mainly - yes, but not entirely. I have already asked to provide an entirely materialistic explanation of a human consciousness, and received none - obviously.
There is no need to explain personality with souls since we can do without
You can do what exactly? Can you explain how people dream/daydream? Can you explain a case of Buridan's asinus?
And your really good at avoiding the question
They all are. MGW avoided any and every question I threw at him last time.
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! You were given answers to your question multiple times in this thread!
Actually, after reading all your debates with Hojoko, I haven't seen a single answer.
What evidence we do have, which has been provided to you a number of times indicates it all just ceases.
And still you are ignoring evidences I provide, that there is afterlife.
"First define what is consciousness, how it works. It's basically your brain receiving, processing and sending information. Evidence that there isn't much more to it, is shown in cases of neurological pathologies/malfunctions of certain areas, who influence people's consciousness to a certain degree. Conclusion: when the whole brain shuts down, you shut down. End."
HahiHa's response is basic, and he stated that. There is evidence of something still active in case of a flat EEG, and other evidence of a dead brain, yet consciousness is still active. So there is a counter-evidence to this "End." statement.