ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
1,558 posts

Hi, just a quick random thought: Christianity is the combination of several different forms of religion, isn't it? It's got Catholicism, Baptism, Methodism, and a few more than I don't feel the need to mention. You get the point, right?

9,462 posts

Hi, just a quick random thought: Christianity is the combination of several different forms of religion, isn't it? It's got Catholicism, Baptism, Methodism, and a few more than I don't feel the need to mention. You get the point, right?

All religions tend to be divergent.
1,558 posts

All religions tend to be divergent.

That's my point. You may say something about Christianity that supports something in it, but contradicts another.
3,085 posts

Yep, most of the divergence is around the interpretation of scriptures and stuff, a whole lot of the documents that're holy to Christians have interpretations that could be seen as contradictory or completely different to someone elses interpretation.

9,462 posts

That's my point. You may say something about Christianity that supports something in it, but contradicts another.

Yes you can do that with pretty much every point made. Not sure what your trying to get at?

In contrast with science it tends to be convergent with numerous views boiling down to one.
1,448 posts

This just signifies that if God, then "virtues in themselves" do not exist. This is however true, because then virtues just originate from God, and they don't need to originate from elsewhere.

Well, actually, the logic was supposed to demonstrate that the view that "God implies that virtues do not exist in themselves" and "God implies that virtues exist" is incoherent.
9,462 posts

On the point of objective morality and God. let's first look at the term objective, here are two that are relevant to this point.
1;not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased
2;of or pertaining to something that can be known, or to something that is an object or a part of an object; existing independent of thought or an observer as part of reality.

Now do we have any morals that fit the above? Even ones from God? In fact wouldn't this make morality from God even more subjective then without given how varied and emotionally dependent the belief in God and thus morality from God is? As pointed out religion is divergent, and it's because of this subjectivity that it does. There isn't a single point everyone can agree on across religions when it comes to any aspect of 'God'. And no one can seem to offer a single piece of objective evidence to verify their perspective of God.

955 posts

Well, actually, the logic was supposed to demonstrate that the view that "God implies that virtues do not exist in themselves" and "God implies that virtues exist" is incoherent.
Why incoherence? It's just some of the sets involved is empty. Anyway, you have made a nice overall statement, that is "God implies that all virtues not originating from God are not virtues in themselves."
The catholic church isn't the sole authority on all religions for one,
The Catholic Church is the authority in Christianity for one, the courts do not need to give a dam for any religion, but have to make laws compying with ideals of any religion, which are in fact shared.
I mean honestly, the catholic church proctected child molestors and very recently tried to kill a bill to extend the statue of limitiations in child sex abuse in virgina.
Do you mind giving a link on this? About protecting child molestors - yes, a horrible issue, and the Church has been warned at least twice about this. I'm not defending particular sinners in their sins, I'm defending the overall morals of Catholicism which I want to comply with, and I'm trying my best.
let's first look at the term objective, here are two that are relevant to this point.
Juggling words is fruitless when it comes to God, since words are by their nature insufficient to explain anything in direct contact with God.
There isn't a single point everyone can agree on across religions when it comes to any aspect of 'God'.
This is normal, since most religions are man-made. If someone's god has been given name by men, that's not a true god. Therefore its attributes are not of divine origin and may not apply to the God that exists.
5,552 posts

This is normal, since most religions are man-made. If someone's god has been given name by men, that's not a true god. Therefore its attributes are not of divine origin and may not apply to the God that exists.

Ever looked in a mirror...?How do you "know" for sure, irrefutably, that your religion is the right one? Every other person who has a religion could, will, and does say this, and back it up with personal testimonies and "miracles." What makes yours any different...
295 posts

'you are not a Christian, you cling to your faith so strongly that you dismiss the simplest of observations and you say something like 'gods infinite majesty is beyond our finite brains' basically your convincing yourself not to think about it, likely out of fear that you just might begin to question your religion. BULL-****IN-****.'

554 posts

We can't prove god's existence, so -> we can't force anyone to believe. There is nothing bad into believe in something that has not been proved, unless it has been proved to be false. We haven't proved it is false yet, so it's legitimate to believe in something we don't know it's true or false. Of course there are arguments against god's existence, but they have been argued against. The same apply to those arguments pro god's existence.

But there are so many things which can be thought up, why choose one which is equally unlikely when you can just not choose one at all. And why should the church have power if it is like that.

Catholicism refuses pantheism, Christianity in general does not.

Christianity is theistic pantheism is not theistic so it can not be Christianity.

Well this actually happens... in middle ages! Nowadays no one pay someone to pray.

But if it helps why not do it.

I do not. Christianity is not the OT. Saying that Christianity is only OT is something like saying that who is no Christian is like the ancient Roman who persecuted Christians. It's no true at all! That happened in the past (until 313 a.D. I think, but that's not the point), but nowadays it happens no more.

But it is based on the OT a lot since that has stuff like the 10 commandments and adam and eve and the NT was added on top.

Hi, just a quick random thought: Christianity is the combination of several different forms of religion, isn't it? It's got Catholicism, Baptism, Methodism, and a few more than I don't feel the need to mention. You get the point, right?

So it isn't one of the worlds biggest religions then. It has so many branches which can all be treated as different so it is actually loads of small religions.

This is normal, since most religions are man-made. If someone's god has been given name by men, that's not a true god. Therefore its attributes are not of divine origin and may not apply to the God that exists.

Sometimes you remind me of this. You say all the religions are wrong but yours and you give no reason.
955 posts

Here is the reason
And do me a set of names other gods use, with etymological references to each one.

336 posts

Just because it feels good doesn't make it real.

5,552 posts

Here is the reason

I'm tired and about to go to bed, but let me get this straight. So because 4 letters are mentioned over 6000 times, and there'a buttload of info on how they are pronounced and translated in what culture, that makes you believe christianity is correct?
955 posts

let me get THIS straight. The name of God is granted from God. What other God granted his name to his followers, and wasn't named by them instead?

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