About Muhammed...He was the last person (That i'm aware of) to claim to be a prophet. Do you think he was one? If not, why so? If you do think so, then what about what he says that's contradictory to Christianity?
Muhammed didn't say Jesus Christ being resurrected, and him being Son of God, therefore he's a false prophet, though preaching the true God.
what exclusions and what conditions?
Self defense.
Again, what exclusions and what conditions? Name me a condition that exists worldwide in which killing is morally approved. So far you fail.
Hello, proof of your claim please. And I was making the point that to muslims what you said is reversed. You distorted the true god.
Well, ask MRWalker82, he said he have read whole of Quran, if he'd provide a verse out of there saying "God said I am Allah, and by this name I want to be known" or similar. There's a verse in the Bible where God said "I am YHWH, and when you will be asked "Who sent you?" reply YHWH sent me" (Exodus 3:14, KJV: And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.), and later in Exodus 6:2-3: "And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the LORD: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name YHWH (KJV has JEHOVAH here) was I not known to them."
What with all the people not believing in any god and just living life? They would also form a community down there, and I doubt that yours would be bigger.
We first have to be proven wrong, while you don't need to receive any proof. Also your "living a life" includes too many flaws like say lies, and they will make you not create a community in Hell. MGW, this applies to you as well.
We kill animals for food, we kill for self defense or defense of others, some regard killing for territory acceptable...
No one forbid killing animals, for one. We kill for self defence? Yes unfortunately, but the one that attacked should not kill in first place. Some people I have heard of call killer maniacs "beasts", this however is still wrong and is not an excuse for killing that maniac. We kill for territory? This means war, and it's one of the gravest sin. Do you remember that morale is expanding and not shrinking? First it was said "don't kill your tribesman", and only then "don't kill any human", so basically wars are bad for all sides, though greater guilt lies with the offender.
You and every other person on this planet determines those attributes through feelings, that's pretty much the very definition of subjective.
Definitely, read the Bible and Jesus's words about how Father loves all people. These come from God and not from human.
I'm not sure how your coming to the conclusion that this name is a gift.
God gave a name, and gave a promise, and fulfilled the promise with plagues brought upon Egypt, and then a successive passage acrodd the Red sea. So, this deed proved that this name is for real. I have also given you a set of known artifacts proving numerous parts of the Bible, so you can't say circular reference any more.
So if any of the points that other ethical theories make are, in fact, valid, then Christianity's view that God determines morality alone is refuted.
Why, in case any of the ethical theories made a valid point, this might just mean this originated from God, while remaining unknown to those who invent the theory. And it is normal that we can perceive some of the morality and its principles by using our own conscience, which the Church names the voice of God within our hearts.
In DC, the catholic adoption agencies threatened to walk out if they were not exempt from the nondiscimination bill forcing them to let gay couples adopt. The DC government told them to screw off and forced compliance.
If someone acts under force eliminating the word "free" from "free will", then the forced one carries no sin. We have to make laws that support morality, but lawmakers nowadays use laws as a tool for their own needs, say "why a fireman can't save a woman from fire if she's not dressed properly" law in St.Louis, Missouri. This approach will lead many to perdition.
E1337, your Leviticus arguments are already refuted, all by one statement "Love one another as you love yourself" said by Jesus. Note that Jesus stated this commandment as second supreme, thus all lesser instructions are made inferior. Now you should direct these at Him, not at me.
Considering he has already stated this
(and follows)
Nice analysis. What's with the "
retty much done" tho?
I just don't like how god has to be my superior.
You know what, you have your heart opened by this statement. No person likes someone else to be supreme reign over him, and strives for self-freedom in various aspects. Still, children need to have a parent reign over them, because they will otherwise perish if anything will go wrong. A parent does this to his child out of love for him. I accept God's reign over me seeing as He named me His adopted child, and I know that I won't know enough to make an infallible decision in all of the situations, and I rely on His love for me, knowing that He loves me.
There is a ton of proof for the big bang. You just have wishful thinking.
This is evidence, not proof. There's similar evidence about God, I have given Turin's shroud, Fatima's miracle, and I can also give an unexplained lighting of Europe's night on Jan 25, 1938 which is frequently attributed to be an aurora borealis, but the attributors missed the range and color of the lighting, commonly described as "blood-like" and "fire-like", while aurora borealis is composed of greenish-blue light primarily.
^ This is what was seen back there and
V this V is what a normal aurora borealis looks like.

Us: Here is the objective evidence, lets see what we can make of this.
You: Here is the random stuff I found in Ken Ham's videos, lets see what I can make of this.
Gotcha! Jesus said "You will be judged by your words". Now you're throwing THIS at thepyro222, so I now apply this to MageGrayWolf, qwerty1011 and E1337. I give you evidence (yes, not a cast-iron proof), you throw Monty Python videos at me, other "Context" videos that were made up ignoring cause-and-effect laws and claim your position as being backed up.