Any of you who have read The Malazan Book of the Fallen will understand this thread. Those of you who don't here's the run down:
In the Malazan Book of the Fallen there is something called High Houses, this Houses represent various elements and gods/goddesses. They are represented by cards in what is known as The Deck of Dragons. I thought it would be fun to represent Armor Games in this way. Yes, my view of fun is a little off. I'll be digging through the forums and the site to come up with more houses and places within those houses. Any ideas you might have are appreciated.
King (Parsat) Queen Writer (Maverick4) Artist (FallenSky) Musician Critic (EnterOrion) Bard
High House ArmorGames King (Cormyn) Queen (Cormyn's Wife) Banhammer (Asherlee) Unknown (Carlie) Doctor (Strop) Recluse (jroyster22) Newbie (MrWalker82) Economist (NoNameC68) Moderator (Cenere) Drifter(Zophia)
Oh, this looks quite interesting. I would like to be a Scribe or a Mason in the High House Joy, if possible . I'm afraid I have no suggestions as of now, however, for what regards people to be added to the houses currently available. A house that just came to mind is "High House Lifegiver/Revival", for people who have revived threads from certain death, or brought them back to life (have a couple of users to recommend, as well). By the way, don't you think High House Silence would be hard to complete, since the ones truly appropriate for it would most probably never post here, and it thus would take people personally knowing them and recommending them here?
I guess I would be the waiter in the High House of Silence. Yes, I know I do post here from time to time most of the time, I'm just lurking around and not alot of people know me in the forums.
I like that one, pickpocket. I think a more appropriate name would be 'High House Gaming Masters' or something along the lines as that for the users such as myself that normally hang around the Video Games and Flash Games forums.
Well that could probably fall under High House Games unless that is exclusively forum games.
Correct. Any form of gaming falls under High House Games, and I replaced High House Spam with High House Joy. Simply because I replaced the House does not mean those previously in it were gaurenteed a spot.
Well, I didn't see anyone commenting on "High House Lifegiver/Reviver/Revival", which would be for players getting threads 'back to life'. Did it go unnoticed, or does everyone around here think it's a bad idea?
I have to admit i'm out of ideas for houses, so I won't be making any more. The Deck will stay as it is. All that I ask now is that you help me fill the positions.