Any of you who have read The Malazan Book of the Fallen will understand this thread. Those of you who don't here's the run down:
In the Malazan Book of the Fallen there is something called High Houses, this Houses represent various elements and gods/goddesses. They are represented by cards in what is known as The Deck of Dragons. I thought it would be fun to represent Armor Games in this way. Yes, my view of fun is a little off. I'll be digging through the forums and the site to come up with more houses and places within those houses. Any ideas you might have are appreciated.
It may not be a popularity contest, but it helps to actually be known.
Again, I am only ONE person. I only started this TODAY. I need TIME to think, look and sort. The Houses as they are now will NOT stay as they are. By all means if people wish to help me then they can offer suggestions. I still have placed a lot of people that I know are worth mentioning.
Hey Efan, we shall soe discord and supercalifragilisticexpealidociousness throughout the realm in celebration of our ranks within the High House of Insanity (read: Insane Asylum)