As far as I'm concerned, it would be really useful if there was some sort of tracking system, and would be a useful addition to AG3.
Sometimes, it's very difficult trying to find something you posted even a few hours earlier when there's been a deluge of subsequent comments in a forum thread.
Is it possible to find out about the status of a post you created or commented on?
Not directly through AG there is not at this time. However you can use the custom Google search (there is a link to it on my profile) and simply enter your username in the search field.
As far as I'm concerned, it would be really useful if there was some sort of tracking system, and would be a useful addition to AG3.
This will most likely be implemented in AGv3 (to the best of my knowledge) As they have not either coded a forum or decided on a third party code to modify I can't say for certain though.