Feel free to discuss ideas about the Reputation system, known to some users as the "karma system", although "reputation" is what we'll be calling it on AG3.
The Reputation System may not be present at AG3 launch, but is a high priority post-launch. It will allow other users to participate in ranking your community involvement, to a degree.
We're still open to ideas on it, so feel free to share your thoughts and ideas, and ask any questions.
cormyn is an administrator, not a moderator. Moderators get blue text, not green text.
But if nobody has mentioned it there should be a thumbs up / thumbs down or Helpful/ unhelpful for forum posts. which would also contribute to good karma.
I think that will be the basis of the reputation system.
This seems like the same system used in hack forums. Maybe, as well as rating the user we could right a message saying WHY we rated them, as in Hack Forums? Sorry if this idea has already been mentioned, my internet is too slow to go through 21 pages of posts :P
I have an idea. (Don't know where it would be better to write it, anyway) What if we could make "I like" system for comments? If I like a comment and push the "like" button. And for every 10 likes, the author gets an AP. ??? Just for the difference, you could call it "I agree"-button. Hope it'll help.
that's a good point. ideally the people who have those ranks have worked a lot to get them by contributing not useless ideas and such and providing good reviews of games. there are people out there though who believe they can like farm their way to the top, so they have. giving them that would be like in Maplestory how people go around spamming for fame for example. you could have people who give merits to the same person each time. I think there should be a provision for that, and there probably will eventually if that idea is used. those are just examples though honestly I think the merits should remain a novelty so that the people who get them can be proud since it's a pretty nice achievement.
Why won't there be any merits? Showing good, helpful ratings by granting merits is always good, especially for the developer if they ever drop by and read their comments.
Probably because if people can vote up your comments/posts and you get a lot of votes it's like a merit. No use for merits when you get reputation points from people voting up your stuff.