ForumsWEPRScience as a religion?

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A religion? AND before you say that I'm flaming, I don't mean all of science. I mean mostly things about the Big Bang, evolution, etc. It's all theoretical right? And theoretical things haven't been proven. Please post thoughts, and remember that I'M NOT FLAMING.

  • 134 Replies
84 posts

Science and religion ARE compatible.
Go read my post in the Christianity FTW topic.

1,448 posts

Science and religion ARE compatible.
Go read my post in the Christianity FTW topic.

1. just explain it here, because I don't want to look through 100 pages of stuff.
2. Don't miracles immediately contradict science?
3. This doesn't make science a religion, so it's irrelevant.
5,552 posts

From your post in the Christianity FTW thread...

A true athiest dosen't go slamming believers, and trying to prove them wrong. All you are doing is making yourselves look like radical overzealous rebels who can't handle the simple views on self restraint as presented by religion, and lack the self control to uphold it. A true athiest respects the views of others and dosen't go out of their way to alienate them just because they aren't as "enlightened". There's nothing wrong with presenting your views, just don't look kike toddlers doing it.

There's no such thing as a "true" atheism. How many **** times must it be said, WE TEACH NOTHING. Atheism is just saying you have no belief. THAT'S IT. THAT'S ALL IT IS. IT'S NOT A SET OF MORALS, A GROUP, OR A ORGANIZATION ANYMORE SO THAN A GROUP OF FRIENDS IS.

A true Christian accepts the views of others, and informs their faith with a logical, not literal interpretation of the bible. What astonishes me is that none of you have acknowledged the fact that Christianity and science are completely compatible. Science can only further the understanding of the greatness of God.

No, a true christian stones gays, rapes women and marries them, kills unbelievers and take their stuff and beats their servants. That's what the bible teaches, and that's what you call your holy book.
23,530 posts

No, a true christian stones gays, rapes women and marries them, kills unbelievers and take their stuff and beats their servants. That's what the bible teaches, and that's what you call your holy book.
(snicker) very well put Kasic
84 posts

Kasic, you refuse to look at the BILLIONS of Christians that are nothing like the Westboro baptists. Just because it is in the bible DOES NOT MEAN WE DO IT. Yes there are radical "churches" that interpret the bible literally, but there are many more that take a far more liberal and moderate approach to it.

And a true athiest attacks Christians just because they don't want to be responsible for where their actions or absent morals lead them.

23,530 posts

say what you will Devious but people will always focus on the negative. you can tell them a million good things but they would still lock in on the one negative then spend all there time on that. people are panicky creatures at the first sign of danger the zoom in on it in order to survive.

5,552 posts

Kasic, you refuse to look at the BILLIONS of Christians that are nothing like the Westboro baptists.

I look at them. My family is christain. However, no rational person today would EVER follow what the Bible says, because it's monsterous.

Just because it is in the bible DOES NOT MEAN WE DO IT.

But it's in the Bible because that's what Christianity teaches is right.

And a true athiest attacks Christians just because they don't want to be responsible for where their actions or absent morals lead them

Fail. Let's go with your idea of a "True" atheist. The only reason there's an argument is because an Atheist asks "why" and religion doesn't like to explain itself, because it's extremely contradictory, fanciful, and really nonsensicle if you actually take a look at it. An atheist will ask a question, say, how do you know god is real? Then the religious person responds, "I feel it in my heart." That's not an answer, I feel a grumbling in my gut, is that god? Of course not. If god was real, those who had never heard of him would "feel" him as you so put, and come to the conclusion themselves that he existed. Instead, you've got a ton of evangelists running around disaster stricken poor countries handing out pamphlets and wasting time preaching when they could be helping to repair, rebuild, supply food, and treat the injured and sick.
23,530 posts

sorry for the double post but Devious i have to ask i see were you stand with athiest but what about cosmic humanist like myself, i believe in all gods, i believe they are just diffrent aspects of the same divine being and that everything is made from and of this one cosmic entity.

5,552 posts

i believe in all gods, i believe they are just diffrent aspects of the same divine being and that everything is made from and of this one cosmic entity.

Went there did that, age 6, dentists office. Came to the conclusion that if there's a god, he's an ******* for creating people evil/messed up in the first place, and it didn't make sense for there to be one anyways.
84 posts

Kasic, just because its in the bible dosen;t mean the church teaches it. If you opened your eyes and looked at theology you would realize that. Too bad you are too stubborn to do so.

And you don't know what it feels like to have faith because you aren't open to it.

3,085 posts

How can you be a 'true christian' if you don't follow ALL the tenets of your religion? Picking and choosing doesn't make you a true anything - it makes you someone who follows what they think is right rather than what the holy book says is right.

23,530 posts

Went there did that, age 6, dentists office. Came to the conclusion that if there's a god, he's an ******* for creating people evil/messed up in the first place, and it didn't make sense for there to be one anyways.
i should have mentioned that i am also a nihilist
5,552 posts

Kasic, just because its in the bible dosen;t mean the church teaches it.

Why do you assume that because i'm an Atheist I have no idea what i'm talking about? I used to be a Christian, I was raised as one, i've looked into it on my free time specifically to argue against it using your own words. Of course they don't teach it, churches would be shut down for inciting hatred, segregation, slavery, ****, murder, theivery, and all sorts of crimes. You can teach the good parts all you want, but that's your holy book, you claim god gave it to you, and you can't just pick and choose to make yourselves look better.

And you don't know what it feels like to have faith because you aren't open to it.

Yep, see, experiential argument, you don't know because you haven't felt it. Heard it before, and guess what? I DID used to believe it, when I was 5 and took what my parents said at their word and didn't yet know that there was even an alternative.

Too bad you are too stubborn to do so.

If you opened your eyes and looked at your own theology, you just might puke out of revoltion at what it's telling you to do. Take a look around and see exactly what religion is doing.
3,371 posts

It's not fake just because they don't teach it. it's a different way of teaching so we're expressing different thoughts and Christians should know that many of the teachings are stories and metaphors that were writtin by man. We follow the good ones because that is what is right. the bad ones arn't taught and so they are shunned. we arn't saying God is a being bent on telling people it's okay to kill, steal, and enslave. because then there would be no point of jesus's birth.

5,552 posts

We follow the good ones because that is what is right. the bad ones arn't taught and so they are shunned. we arn't saying God is a being bent on telling people it's okay to kill, steal, and enslave. because then there would be no point of jesus's birth.

So, let me ask again. Why do you still have the Bible in it's original form? Why not take out all that obviously wrong, and just use the new bible? No one could claim that you teach it then, and you could actually say that without making me facepalm or laugh in derision.
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