ForumsProgramming ForumMedievil Madness - Coder Needed :3

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27 posts

Hey guys!

I have this idea for a project, based in medievil times. It plays similar to "Dad 'n' Me" but with swords and bows and arrows and magic all that medievil shit.. but as what usually happens when an artist doesnt have any skill in coding i came stuck and need a talented ASer. I would preferably like it to be in AS 3.0 because i think its awesome and slick and fast :3 but aslong as it plays good AS 2.0 would be sufficient!

The idea is quite graphically based, but still obviously a lot of code involved and since there is no way of measuring up effort etc any money made will be split... 50/50!

Some of the games features include:
Light and Heavy combo attacks eg: Light, Light Heavy or Heavy, Light, Heavy
Lots of unlockble things eg: Maps, Characters, Special/Fun Modes
Story Mode
Challenge modes
Arena Tournaments
Leveling Up eg. experiance bar and choosing atributes

I'd say this game is highly influenced by The Behemoths "[url=]Castle Crashers"
but since I havent played the game i hope this isnt a complete rip off :P

Do you have any examples n00b?!

Yup :3 These are things that will be used in the actual game..

A Boss or Strong Enemy for the game (non-animated)

A Possible Unlockable Character but maybe not since he looks a bit like the dudes from CC
The Knight - In the first set of unlockable characters
A logo for my website (Non game use)
Also Check my profile.. although most of it wasnt done with the most amount of effort

Ok you've seen what i can do.. Now i wanna see what you can do.. Please when showing interest have examples :P

Some traits that i think are important for the Coder to have:
-Friendly :3
-Devoted but at the same time relaxed.. dont worry! Theres no deadlines :3, but i may set some small deadlines to keep the ball rolling.
-Talented of course!
-Easy to contact, it would be good for you to be based around England/Portugal timeframe.. (Im England btw) but depending on how much you come online will also be a big factor, someone who is a regular online dude in my contact list whos online.. so i can discuss ideas and get feedback on art etc.
-Willing to do a sequal, this would be awesome :3 Cos i like doing series of things..
-Has some of their own ideas so we can brainstorm!

Oh and btw the title, is still WIP so you know.. it can defenatly be changed!

My contacts:

So if your interested contact me there or post here!

P.s Sorry if this thread doesnt make sense (English is not my subject D but you should get the jist of it :3

  • 8 Replies
27 posts

Sorry guys messed up the url on castle crashers :/

1,305 posts

Well, the only coders on the site would be the flash submitters. You could try contacting some of them in order to fulfill your game creations needs.

Wish it goes well, and best of luck to you!

983 posts

Wellllll.... I've been wanting to do a Dad 'n Me/CC beat 'em up, but the problem is they take too much artistic talent.
So I'll program it if you'd like.
I can do AS3, but it may take a bit longer as I'm not as experienced. There wouldn't be a big difference between AS2 and AS3 in this kind of gameplay unless you're planning on lots of guts and blood particles shooting all over the place.
So here are my sites:
NG Profile - Ignore latest submission
My site - WIP

You can contact me at dank'AT' or through this site.

30 posts

Wow, nice pictures :O
I'd help, but I've got my own big flash game RPG thing that I'm working on.
Also, it might be best if you got an irl freind to help, because that's always better than online stuff. If none of your freinds know anything about AS, it might be best if you learn it yourself, (well in my opinion anyway).

Best of luck anyway

11 posts


948 posts

Friendly :3 : Check.

-Devoted but at the same time relaxed.. dont worry! Theres no deadlines :3, but i may set some small deadlines to keep the ball rolling: Check.

-Talented of course!: Nope

-Easy to contact, it would be good for you to be based around England/Portugal timeframe.. (Im England btw) but depending on how much you come online will also be a big factor, someone who is a regular online dude in my contact list whos online.. so i can discuss ideas and get feedback on art etc.: Check

-Willing to do a sequal, this would be awesome :3 Cos i like doing series of things..: Check

-Has some of their own ideas so we can brainstorm: Checkity Checkers of check.

948 posts

So basically I don't think this job is for me :P
Sorry for the double post!

948 posts

Adman, this is your real NG profile right?

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