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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
9,808 posts


From what I've seen...parents don't like the idea of long term relationships in high school (assuming you are in high school from you saying "after school&quot. Parents/adults seem to think that one in high school should just take part in "casual dating" and wait until afterwards to do "serious dating". So your post about being together for 10 months and how you can't wait for many more (implying there will be much more of the relationship to come), doesn't go very well with the mindset they have.

Also, I don't think it has to do with your mom not liking you 2 dating or so...just the fact that you are in a long-term relationship while being "so young"
767 posts

Be careful, that could backfire in your face. He may believe that you are crazy and recommend that to your parents that you receive more serious help. You could give them hell too, but that would be a lot of time out of your day.

No they are not authorized to actually take me into a mental asylum, they can only tell my parents that I need some help. They already know about it somewhat, so it's fine.

No. Ace has become a bit of a punching bag here at the General Relationship thread. He doesnt mind.

I think people are still bagging on me for that nice way of making people you love, but they don't love you feel bad. It took me a good time of ten minutes to try and find it. Page gotta check it out...

I pretend I am my dad/mom.
I text the girl.
"Omg, you were the last person to talk to Ace! Do you know where he is?"
"No, but why and if you aren't Ace then who is this?"
"This is his Mom/Dad! Ace is missing!"
"Omg what happened?"
"I don't know! Did something happen between you and him? 'Cause he really cared about you?"
"I don't know! I said something bad I think...I just don't know! If you find him tell Ace we can hug if he comes back!"
"Sure thing. Thanks!"

I then don't text her back until two weeks later. Where I take her offer up on hugging her. Then I live happily ever after?

So my gf and i just celebrated our 10 months of being together. We were excited, and we each posted on facebook about how happy we were and how great these past months have been and how we cant wait for many more. Today, after school, my mom comes up to me and says, "That was some post." I asked her what she meant and she was like, "Well it's quite a declaration."

Serious advice...
I assume you are under 18, but over 13? Well you can create a second Facebook with your age of birth being under 18, but over 13. That way, FB will automatically hide your information from anyone that you don't want to see. You can then choose who to add and what-not.

But that's bad advice...FB has lots of security problems.

Today, after school, my mom comes up to me and says, "That was some post." I asked her what she meant and she was like, "Well it's quite a declaration."

That basically means that she can't believe things are I guess serious. I presume she doesn't like the whole idea of you and the girl. So, she was...pretty mad perhaps?
Awwww, my little Zaky is growing up! I MUST NOT LET HIM GO AWAY WITH THAT GIRL!;dr - Read what pang said.
343 posts

Serious advice...
I assume you are under 18, but over 13? Well you can create a second Facebook with your age of birth being under 18, but over 13. That way, FB will automatically hide your information from anyone that you don't want to see. You can then choose who to add and what-not.

There is always a bacdoor, so you shouldn't put too much info on the web. 0_0

9,808 posts

Alright everyone...pang has some (unwanted) updates. If you do not care to know of 'em, feel free to ignore post

So..the girl I made the post about a while back...yeah that didn't go anywhere. In fact, never heard from her since that day. Though can't really complain, didn't really have much in common at all.

But wait...all is not lost for your beloved shoe (ah..see what I did there? Made a pun out of my own name). I have been talking (and texting) to a girl I have lunch with for some time now...and has been awesome. Talking with her is extremely enjoyable and super easy (no awkward pauses while talking) and we have much in common. When we talk we are able to completely goof off one topic, then be completely serious the next (which I very much like).

Now..I know what some of you might be thinking...&quotang! This girl obviously likes you! Make a move!"...well, the thing is, I know she has a thing for me. How do I know? Well, she told me (in quite an adorable way if I may add =p)...and she knows I like her.

Don't really have anything I need help on...just wanted to post bout this haha so...wish me luck! I'd very much like to date this girl =3

I am hanging out with a few friends tomorrow ( I should say haha) and invited her along and she said she'd love to (exact words...except "I" instead of "she'd&quot. So I'm pretty excited (and she is as well haha)

tl;dr - things are goin very well for me. Talking to an awesome girl that I'd love to date (and who has feelings for me as well) and going to hang out with her tomorrow (or today...however you wish to say it). Wish me luck with it all! haha

255 posts

so i am back with more problems and confusion.

first off. why do girls ALWAYS talk in figurative language and metaphors?

second the girl i liked asked who i thought would be a better boyfriend for her because of her current boyfriend problems and i started naming off people from our school not mentioning me and she replied, "*cough* i said you had all those traits for a reason *cough cough* *choking over here*

i said, being the oblivious idiot i am, "huh"

and she said "i'll let you figure that out"

the meaning of this since she is still dating...?

she said this while she was driving to her boyfriends house which confused me more. HELP!!

3,766 posts

why do girls ALWAYS talk in figurative language and metaphors?

Why do guys always assume that girls are talking in a figurative language?
the meaning of this since she is still dating...?

She would want to go out with you and only you. I think it is obvious.
528 posts

Ok. So at my old school, on my last year, this girl came to our school. At first I barely even thought about her. But later on in the year i started thinking she was cute, but, just cute. But the next year, at my current school, near the end of the year, I started thinking about her, and me. And I was thinking about how we're probably never going to see each other ever again. And now I just can't stop thinking about her. What do it do?

528 posts

What do *I do?

9,808 posts

Small lil update..

I am hanging out with a few friends tomorrow ( I should say haha) and invited her along and she said she'd love to (exact words...except "I" instead of "she'd&quot. So I'm pretty excited (and she is as well haha)

Hanging out went well...very well! Spent the entire time within about 5 feet of each other...helped her do some shopping at the mall, even though she didn't buy anything (also..I absolutely hate shopping...yet I actually enjoyed it this time)...goofed off with her when we went to park (gave her piggy back ride...played with leaves with her...etc)...even got a lil hand-holding action in there ^-^

She has also already asked if we could hang out this coming up saturday as well (in group...parents and their ways)..go to like Six Flags. Keep on wishin' me luck guys! =D
343 posts

She has also already asked if we could hang out this coming up saturday as well (in group...parents and their ways)..go to like Six Flags. Keep on wishin' me luck guys! =D

Youre not going to walmart? also what state is six flags in?

9,808 posts

Youre not going to walmart? also what state is six flags in?

Oh very funny -_- Like I said before..the Walmart was because there was nothing else to do and that girl was quite unadventurous

The girl I'm talking of now...if we were to go to Walmart...her and I would probably make it seem like the funnest thing in the world XD

And are you axin the state I live in boy? >_< That is a no-no
5,952 posts

And are you axin the state I live in boy? >_< That is a no-no

What if I, your best friend, ask you want state you live in? Yes-yes?
as well (in group...parents and their ways)..go to like Six Flags.

pang is devious, he would pull something at Six Flags. Take her at night, they have Fright Night stuff. Its not bad, just walk around with her. Dont go on the trails or anything, but people in costume will try and scare you. You see what Im sayin.
343 posts

Youre not going to walmart?

Oh very funny -_-

Oh, i forgot, thats next night! Sorry, i forgot.

And are you axin the state I live in boy? >_< That is a no-no

Its not like im going to stalk you or anything.

9,808 posts

What if I, your best friend, ask you want state you live in? Yes-yes?

Sorry...tis also be a no-no (will be explained later in post)

pang is devious, he would pull something at Six Flags. Take her at night, they have Fright Night stuff. Its not bad, just walk around with her. Dont go on the trails or anything, but people in costume will try and scare you. You see what Im sayin.

Oh yes of course! Take her during then..then take advantage of the Halloween theme around us to knock her out and kidnap her! When people see this they will think it is all a part of the theme and not think anything of it...perfect!

Its not like im going to stalk you or anything.

It isn't that...I just like there to be some mystery over the "real me" (that is...the one that doesn't call himself pang....that much)

Also...sadly...Six Flags plans were unable to go friends are able to make it. But! Bad times are not to be had! We are still continuously talking/texting and yesterday hung out at the park with a friend of hers (it was awesome...'nuff said)
5,952 posts

It isn't that...I just like there to be some mystery over the "real me" (that is...the one that doesn't call himself pang....that much)

Same. No one knows my real age, my name, my face, my size, nothing. The only thing people think they know is that I live in New York.
I think I know what state...
Oh yes of course! Take her during then..then take advantage of the Halloween theme around us to knock her out and kidnap her! When people see this they will think it is all a part of the theme and not think anything of it...perfect!

Ah..... Yeah. Thats what I would do.
Is the Six Flags really far away? If not, then it shouldnt be that hard to re-schedule.
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