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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
129 posts

I just had a huge what-if revelation about this thread.

What if two users knew and liked each other in real life but didn't know it was them on here, came here for advice, and gave the each other advice :O.

yes or no that would be crazy, awkward when they found out, and hilarious?

LOL I had an experience almost like that. I didn't know this person I always talked to on the Internet was actually three blocks away from me lol.

Worst part? He was cute, and I only found out almost three years after.
3,675 posts

Not sure if that's better or worse than the person being hundreds/thousands of miles away. o_O

6,737 posts


I know... We're friends but lah that as far as its gonna go...

1,608 posts

Ok so here is my problem.
I am in a group of friends.
I like 1 girl of this group and I got the strong idea she likes me to.
Should I ask her out or something.
Because if I do, I kind of divide our friend group for a while since it are 4 male's and 5 female's so if I screw up there will be people picking sides and I have seen it happen to a friend of mine before.
So. What to do.

Just going to post it again because my real-life friends just laugh it off when I bring it up.
6,737 posts


I'm not exactly a relationship expert and all being single, but don't be afraid to ask her out. How might it divide your little group? I've been in this situation and it worked fine lol...

~~Dapro the single relationship guru (sorta x))

9,808 posts


In my opinion...go for it. If things don't turn out..then your friends should hopefully be good enough friends to be able to stay friends with both of you. If know what I'll say. Something really cliche and annoying

5,952 posts

pang wanted updates.....
So I came back to school on Monday after a week long thanksgiving break. I didn't see the girl I had been talking about the entire time. I hung out with my friends and played black ops 2, you know how that goes.
So before I continue this, let me explain something. I have one class with this girl, but we can't sit near each ther due to assigned seats. The only time we see each other is during a 15 minuet break in the day and for about 40 minuets after school as everyone waits for buses and parents. Now she is in a sport, so that 40 minuets is about 10.
Anywho, on Friday after school, we were all sitting around talking and stuff. It was nice. At one point one of my friends dissapeared. I was getting up and saying,"I'm gonna go" but she stopped me and said, "no, you stay. I like you, you're cool." Naturally, I stayed because I'm not an idiot. Now our little friendship seems to have evaporated due to the fact that I hardly ever see her and when I do I either feel awkward or am with other friends who would want to talk to me.
You can't really help me, but pang asked for updates.

767 posts

Ok so here is my problem.
I am in a group of friends.
I like 1 girl of this group and I got the strong idea she likes me to.
Should I ask her out or something.
Because if I do, I kind of divide our friend group for a while since it are 4 male's and 5 female's so if I screw up there will be people picking sides and I have seen it happen to a friend of mine before.
So. What to do.

I'm torn....One part of me says get the girl before someone else gets her and hope for the best.
Another says, stick with the friends.

However, if you go for the girl, there is a chance they will like you two as a couple and make up silly nicknames which have a combination of your name and her's.

Anywho, on Friday after school, we were all sitting around talking and stuff. It was nice. At one point one of my friends dissapeared. I was getting up and saying,"I'm gonna go" but she stopped me and said, "no, you stay. I like you, you're cool." Naturally, I stayed because I'm not an idiot. Now our little friendship seems to have evaporated due to the fact that I hardly ever see her and when I do I either feel awkward or am with other friends who would want to talk to me.

So you're didn't do my nice plan of stalking the girl? Or is this a new girl?
Pick, just pickpocket the girl's house keys and follow her home. Then when she can't open the door, show up out of nowhere and act as if you ran a mile chasing her down. Be like Omg, *huffs and puffs* I finally got to you! AND NOW THAT I HAVE, I wanna give you these keys, you dropped... Then you woo her and tadah! GF/BF!

Guess what happened to me....I realized I made a friend...or so?
She's pretty nice, you could say. We talk and all in this one class I have with her. Today, she put her feet like right on my leg. And joked how this was going to be my 3rd base and things like that, but I mean she didn't mean it...Stuff like closest to a girl I have been. I shrugged it off. Mehly meh? Her friend laughed, but didn't join in which is a +.
So yeah! I did it....
I'm pretty proud of something intolerably annoying.

I don't wanna take this step further though.
I just want to become better friends!
So how do I do that? How do I get her to give me her number w/o me actually begging, or showing any interest of wanting it?

We technically aren't Facebook I kinda want to do that too? That will help me get connected to other people.

Am I being an idiot for wanting to be in a friendzone with a girl? Lol?
5,952 posts

We technically aren't Facebook I kinda want to do that too? That will help me get connected to other people.

Girls thinks facebook means nothing. Add her, but dont message her at all. I screwed up things by messaging....
Be like Omg, *huffs and puffs* I finally got to you! AND NOW THAT I HAVE, I wanna give you these keys, you dropped... Then you woo her and tadah! GF/BF!

We take different buses.
We dont particularly carry house keys much.
My house......30 minuet minuet drive........her house.
Or is this a new girl?

Same as last time.
I don't wanna take this step further though.

Then dont -_-
Look, you want to be better friends? Fine, while discussing homework casually ask for her number. Maybe you could help her or she could help you or whatever. BAM. Number is yours.
3,766 posts

Am I being an idiot for wanting to be in a friendzone with a girl? Not at all. There are plenty of female friends that I have that I would not want to be in a relationship with.
So how do I do that? How do I get her to give me her number w/o me actually begging, or showing any interest of wanting it?

I always feel slightly weird asking for someone's number, even if it is a close friend. Just something makes it feel weird to me. But really, just ask for her number. If she asks why just explain why.
We technically aren't Facebook I kinda want to do that too?

Send her a friend request...that is all you have to do. What is the worst that could happen?
767 posts

Girls thinks facebook means nothing. Add her, but dont message her at all. I screwed up things by messaging....

Hehe, send an automatic Facebook message to new people I add....Lol.
Now I have to take a new Facebook picture and I don't know her last name. I mean if I did find it out, she'd be like, That kid likes me, ewww, what a stalker!

We take different buses.
We dont particularly carry house keys much.
My house......30 minuet minuet drive........her house.

So are you saying you are not very athletic? I said fake the huffing and puffing. Then one day get on her bus and sit next to her. Talk to her up and then during the ride, act surprised as if on another bus and ask to use her phone and stay at her house until your parents come?

Then dont -_-

Look, you want to be better friends? Fine, while discussing homework casually ask for her number. Maybe you could help her or she could help you or whatever. BAM. Number is yours.

She is pretty smart. She will think I am hitting on her. She is &quotopular," as far as I can see. So news travels fast...She is in AP/Honors classes. What else....pretty nice too.

But really, just ask for her number. If she asks why just explain why.

What would my explanation be? Besides homework?

Send her a friend request...that is all you have to do. What is the worst that could happen?

5,952 posts

Then one day get on her bus and sit next to her.

*sigh* For the sake of saving time, thats just not gonna happen. They wont even let me on the bus, let alone get off at a girls house.
I mean if I did find it out, she'd be like, That kid likes me, ewww, what a stalker!

Coming from Mr. "Stalk her!", didnt see that one coming.
But cmon,you are in the same school for crying out loud. If you actually are friends, then you shouldnt have to go through all this trouble. A friend is someone who you could totally feel relaxed around. Find her last name, add her on facebook. I added my crush on my facebook and my pic isnt even of my face, so calm down. Then, get to know her. Who knows, maybe she will give you her number.
255 posts

I posted something on the Popular Media category that is a split between this thread and that category. It involves a relationship crisis kind of and i want to ask for your help. It is a thread called "Mix tapes" please help me out here. It is the same girl as i was talking about in the past month. I put it there because it fit more there, but couldve easily gone here.

171 posts

Am I being an idiot for wanting to be in a friendzone with a girl? Lol?
No you aren't being an idiot. Your going good with just being friends with her.if you want to be better friends just try talking to her more and get to see what she likes and her interests to see what you guys can talk about. And to get her number just ask her for it. Try not to make it in a weird way where she would think you like her. It's kinda hard but I'm sure she will get it.
3,766 posts

She is pretty smart. She will think I am hitting on her.

If she is smart then she will know that you are not hitting on her.
What would my explanation be? Besides homework?

That you are friends and want her number. She probably will not ask anyway.
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