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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
255 posts

well more i forgot to mention because of lack of time this morning.

She tells her friends "oh i am not really into him. Its just for the eighth grade dance"
But turns around and tells me how madly in love they are.

I dont know why she could ever want to break up with him. she would have NO REASON to. He is everything a girl could want, so in that sense, she is delusional.

also, i have found someone else that really likes me, even though we dont really know each other. Well that was a month ago, and i am starting to like her now that i know her. so i hope to start something there in the future. Truthfully, i am not ready for dating yet. but maybe there is a future with this girl.

in other news, i am the DJ for the school dances now which has boosted my popularity.
but also, this group of 6th grade girls now stalks me on the bus and around my eighth grade classes. which gets annoying.

yeah nichodemus, I have the same views as you. i completely call friendzoning, which she has done to me before. meh i'll get over it. But thats like my second or third swing and a miss with girls this year.

so yeah. i believe that is it for my social life news.

5,952 posts

But thats like my second or third swing and a miss with girls this year.

Hey man, dont stress. Things dont always go as planned. Besides, who cares if you date someone in 8th grade anyways? You still have a long time ahead of you. Sometimes its nice just to forget about it. I remember in like 7th grade I liked this one girl and got hung up on it for a while. Dont let it get to you. Dont let little crushes like that become incredible important, and dont obsess over them. Its 8th grade man, you still have a lot of life to live.
255 posts

I know i have become a hypocrite.

correction a lot of the times, I feel socially stunted compared to other kids.

My top 5 best friends are all adults. seriously. I find kids and teens immature, inappropriate, and irresponsible. Especially guys. They are disgusting, rude, and disrespectful.

so of the peer friends i have, 85% of them are girls. call me gay but whatever, i already get it from school. Just because i am nice, clean, and have chivalry does not make me gay.

also just because i enjoy broadway shows and certain tv shows that arent popular with the male population doesnt mean i am gay.-_-

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

My top 5 best friends are all adults. seriously. I find kids and teens immature, inappropriate, and irresponsible. Especially guys. They are disgusting, rude, and disrespectful.

Okay......well if you prefer that and go with that mindset, no one's going to blame you, but you're in for a hard time socialising.

so of the peer friends i have, 85% of them are girls. call me gay but whatever, i already get it from school. Just because i am nice, clean, and have chivalry does not make me gay.

It's an image that people often conjure, but can sadly be true, hence it still sticks. There's nothing you can change about it.

But thats like my second or third swing and a miss with girls this year.

If you don't ask, you don't get. At least you ask. At least you can learn, unlike men who never even open their mouths.
603 posts

I like this girl...

I'm an 8th grade guy, who likes a girl. My friend asked what she thought of me.

She told him that I'm too serious and I'm annoying... Anyone help? Much appreciated... I know. Not much info. But you know. Gotta try...

9,808 posts

My friend asked what she thought of me.

Did your friend do this out of his own curiosity...or did you ask him to do so?

Because someone doing such a thing isn't a very good idea. It shows a lack of confidence on your part.

She told him that I'm too serious and I'm annoying... Anyone help?

I don't really know what to help you seems pretty clear cut. The best you could do is be less serious and annoying?

Though, to be a bit nice...saying such things doesn't outright eliminate the possibility of her being attracted to you.

I'm an 8th grade

Oh yeah..and that's another are in 8th grade. Take it from someone who had a relationship starting in 8th grade...take your time with the dating scene. Wait until you are in high school until such are young and hormonal...let your body (and mind) mature a bit before it all
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

She told him that I'm too serious and I'm annoying... Anyone help? Much appreciated... I know. Not much info. But you know. Gotta try...

Need more information.
603 posts

Did your friend do this out of his own curiosity...or did you ask him to do so?

He did it out of curiousity. I don't know why. We were talking about who we liked earlier that day. That's probably why. :P .

Though, to be a bit nice...saying such things doesn't outright eliminate the possibility of her being attracted to you.

I realize this. But I don't know how I can be less serious and annoying. I just act how I usually do with everyone else in my school. If anything I think I'm a funny guy who isn't serious at all.
255 posts

So the girl who friendzoned me and I are refusing to talk to each other. Which i am fine with. we hate each other.

The girl who liked me an I are now dating. Dont do the whole "its eighth grade" because i am in highschool now:P

one more thing. The popularity of this thread has dropped no? or is it just because schools out?

255 posts

I have no idea why that posted twice. sorry people

4,170 posts

Most people here find their partners at school, so I would guess that's why the thread's popularity dropped.

But gratz nonetheless!

10,816 posts

or is it just because schools out?

Probably. Given that kids in school tend to think about dating while they're in school, as opposed to holidays. On holidays, they tend to think about other kiddy stuff :P
255 posts

yeah were seeing world war z together when i get back from my europe vacation. Hopefully its in theaters that long. Ill be gone for 34 days. 7 countries. awesomeness. Anyway. were both happy.

BUT if i ever broke up with her(which i am not saying will happen soon but i have to accept that it might) i would be scared. she owns her own AR-15 and is a competition shooter.

50 posts

be natural be yourself it's not hard it's actually quite simple love comes secondary whats important is what you do in life something what you called affinity it's the affinity the attractiveness of someonelse that comes into your life if you are connected with that person you may just discover yourself falling in love without even you or anyone else realizing it whats important I believe is to not focus on it too much. Be happy with who you are

10,816 posts

My own experience was pretty much as the above user describes: serendipitous. While it seems to me to be by far the happiest and "most natural" way to find somebody (in a kind of zen-like "by not looking&quot, I'm not sure whether it's something that everybody will experience, or even most people. I don't know.

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