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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
1,773 posts

Movie and them dinner. Work the best. You get a shared experience to talk about.

4,484 posts

I appreciate the advice you both have given me. There's still one teensy-weensy problem, though: I still haven't gotten a chance to talk to her alone at any point within the past few weeks. Her friends are always nearby when I see her.

But I'll let you all know if that changes/how things work out if anything happens at all. Winter break is closing in, which means I basically have a deadline.

5,952 posts

I appreciate the advice you both have given me. There's still one teensy-weensy problem, though: I still haven't gotten a chance to talk to her alone at any point within the past few weeks. Her friends are always nearby when I see her.

But I'll let you all know if that changes/how things work out if anything happens at all. Winter break is closing in, which means I basically have a deadline.

When talking to her, casually bring up winter break and ask what she is doing to help find a good time. After you have decided on a time, you simply ask if you can talk to her alone once the opportunity presents itself. Good luck.
42 posts

OK, I've got one for anyone who wants to answer it. I'm 18, never had a GF, and I live in the middle of nowhere. I don't go to public school, so there are no girls that I know around here and I have no way of meeting any girls on a regular basis. I've had a few relationships online, but none of them moved in a romantic direction and I always seem to get trapped in the friend zone because of the long distance thing. I've asked exactly three girls out in my life and they all had an excuse of some sort. Of the legitimacy of the excuses, I don't know, all I know is that they flat out said no for thus and such reason. But several (online friend) girls have said that I look hot. (I emailed them my pic.) Can anyone give me some help? I mean, I'm an intelligent, sweet, caring, and hot (other people's words, not mine) guy who wants to have a relationship. I don't understand why I'm not appealing!
Anyway, thanks to anyone who even reads my pathetic outcry. And thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me out.

5,952 posts

Well, don't think of yourself as unappealing. First step to success would be to be comfortable with who you are and how you look. At the same time, don't be big headed about it. Be humble but not self critical.
As for what you said about not having a girlfriend, part of it might simply be the fact that you haven't been around many girls. You don't have much experience. Once you get comfortable by just talking with as many girls as possible, relationships will come. Also, don't beat yourself up over it. Its not a big deal that you haven't had a girlfriend, you are not less of a person because of it.

Don't think you are fugly, be confident, and talk to more girls regularly.

42 posts

I don't think I'm unappealing, but I don't understand why nobody wants to go out with me if I am appealing. And I'm out in the middle of nowhere, so I can't really be around girls. I know I'm no less of a person, but I'm a hopeless romantic and I just really need a little romance in my life. And I am confident, but I think you touched on my problem in that I can't come in contact with ANY girls. I'll try to get in contact with more girls. Well, thanks.
Oh, by the way, congrats to you and your friends in all the wedding stuff, Pickpocket.

5,952 posts

Oh, by the way, congrats to you and your friends in all the wedding stuff, Pickpocket.

Haha, R2 will be happy to hear that.
I don't think I'm unappealing, but I don't understand why nobody wants to go out with me if I am appealing. And I'm out in the middle of nowhere, so I can't really be around girls. I know I'm no less of a person, but I'm a hopeless romantic and I just really need a little romance in my life. And I am confident, but I think you touched on my problem in that I can't come in contact with ANY girls. I'll try to get in contact with more girls. Well, thanks.

I know what you mean. I'm the guy who lives really far from everyone I know too. Try not to think that you need a relationship, just let it happen. Get more comfortable with a few girls and it'll happen eventually. Good luck.
1,361 posts

I don't understand why nobody wants to go out with me if I am appealing. And I'm out in the middle of nowhere, so I can't really be around girls

Now hold on a second... you assume that nobody wants to go out with you, but you've clearly stated that you don't live near any girls nor are you in contact with any of them. It doesn't sound to me that your problem has anything to do with whether girls don't want to go out with you... you're just physically not in a good location! Which is a good thing, because that can easily be changed!

How far away do you live from the closest town? Hang around a coffee shop, chat up the nice checkout girl in the grocery store... make your presence known!
42 posts

S_P, I've asked several girls out when I actually get out of the hose, they just don't want me. And I live about 15 miles from the nearest town, but I can't really get there easily. Thus, my dilemma.

3,592 posts

I truly see your problem there, I usually live very far from any towns back in Belgium, but hey it's fine if you just take your time as haste makes waste. Anyhow how long have you known any of these girls?

42 posts

I truly see your problem there, I usually live very far from any towns back in Belgium, but hey it's fine if you just take your time as haste makes waste. Anyhow how long have you known any of these girls?

Uh.... I basically talked to them a few times before I asked. One of them I knew well, but she doesn't feel that way about me. Sooo, yeah. I'm going to try a long-distance relationship and see if that works at all. I'm willing to wait if she wants to to see each other.
4,484 posts

When talking to her, casually bring up winter break and ask what she is doing to help find a good time.

Keep in mind that I'm in college, and I have no idea what city this girl hails from. This is why the deadline was in place.

But oh well. Tomorrow is the last day before a month-long winter break. Hopefully she will still have some interest in me when the new semester starts. If not, there are still thousands of girls attending this university. It's not like she's the only one out there.
1,298 posts

Got a new girl!

3,766 posts

Charlie, you sound like you bought her or something. Or that you just replaced an old model.

1,298 posts

Or that you just replaced an old model.

I would do that, but I didn't.
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