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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
322 posts

The fact you're comparing yourself to a caveman is hilarious. You've just insulted your own intelligence.

Yea new ideas and ideologies changed our genetics. Right. I think this sums things up.
9,434 posts

Lets put it this way: 5000 years ago the man had to hunt and take care of the woman caveman style. Do you really think in 5000 years the genetics changed? Or are those new ideas spearheaded by people like Jeffery.
What you're describing is not genetics, it's social structure. Men are no longer the big "get everything" and women are no longer the big "take care of house and kids". Society has changed. Also, you're not addressing my question. What are you basing your "usually a problem" on? Surely a submissive guy with a dominant lady aren't facing problems.

On a sidenote, this dominance/submission thing is rarely that pronounced. BDSM and the like has focus on it, but many relationships nowadays are a more equal matter.

I really doubt you are able to completely separate man and woman feelings you have. Don't think most Woman thing and feel like you do.
Would you mind explaining what you mean by "man feelings" and woman feelings"? Also that "manish" from the last page. I want to know.

Yea new ideas and ideologies changed our genetics. Right. I think this sums things up.
Again, not genetics... Although, tangentially, going against instincts is pretty standard for us. And genes, for that matter. For example, I like my glasses; they mean I don't have to care about bad eyesight running in the family.
3,437 posts

Goblin, you are insufferable.

You view women as object to be used only to fulfill your own fantasies, and you make that clearer with every word. You're also backward in your thinking, if you think any woman with a thimble of self respect would tolerate your brutish ways.

All this talk of women and men submitting is, to my mind, ludicrous. I don't want a girl to be some mindless bimbo who has her mind set in that of a 1950's housewife. I want a woman of intelligence who can think for herself and can decide whether or not she wants to do something. However, I myself do not like being manipulated or controlled, thus we compromise. Look it up.

And your little talk about "manish"? Oh boy... your ignorance is appalling. And that's all I need to say about that.

How about you try being, oh I don't know...a gentleman? Whatever happened to romance and chivalry? It disgusts me knowing that people like you seem to be growing more and more common these days, people hell bent on selfish wants. And people like me, people with some bloody honour, are falling by the wayside.

529 posts

ok um i think im gunna change the subject now..
ok so my boyfriend always asks me questions, like is it ok if i hold ur hand, and i want to sit next to u at church is that ok?

my friends say that for once he actualy cares about a girl and wants to not screw it up so he is always asking me if its ok and they say that it is realy sweet

but im not sure

1,890 posts

ok um i think im gunna change the subject now..
ok so my boyfriend always asks me questions, like is it ok if i hold ur hand, and i want to sit next to u at church is that ok?

my friends say that for once he actualy cares about a girl and wants to not screw it up so he is always asking me if its ok and they say that it is realy sweet

but im not sure

I think it is fine. If you don't like it, you could say he can hold your hand whenever he likes, or something like that.
3,139 posts

ok um i think im gunna change the subject now..
ok so my boyfriend always asks me questions, like is it ok if i hold ur hand, and i want to sit next to u at church is that ok?

my friends say that for once he actualy cares about a girl and wants to not screw it up so he is always asking me if its ok and they say that it is realy sweet

but im not sure

It just sounds like he is nervous. Are you his first girlfriend?
You should tell him that it's okay, he can take initiative when it comes to things like that but thank him for being so respectful and caring?
8,253 posts

ok so my boyfriend always asks me questions, like is it ok if i hold ur hand, and i want to sit next to u at church is that ok?

I agree with Ghgt99, I think it's fine, if you're ok with it. The fact that he asks you if this or that is ok shows that he cares about and respects you.
347 posts

I did the same thing with my first girlfriend. I was totally clueless to when I should hold her hand, or hug her at school, and so I would always ask her.

Eventually, I got past that awkward stage and held her hand and hugged her without having to ask every time.

322 posts

lol i'm a subject.

You guys are taking my words much for something they are not. I do care about girls and I don't want "sex slaves". However, I do believe most (il get crusafide here if I don't say this even though its obvious) girls want guys they can "surrender to", "need to be tamed" and somehow hard to get. Hell I'm not even making this up from personal stories, its in all the books.
That's the part of us still here from the caveman era. For example: like a caveman, what I'm attracted to is boobies, not personality. Well that too but its mostly boobies.

322 posts

If I may answer to rainbow now,
I think it could be fine fine. I mean if the thing is that his taking things really slow then its up to you if you want a slow relationship. If not then I would suggest telling him about it or trying to speed things up you'reself. I think doing that would make him understand his going too slow for you. Then again, slow may be fine to you so its you're call (not you're friends).

14 posts

Thanks for the input once again.. I suppose I forget their are little kids on here. I will discontinue posting as I am quite explicit by nature..

3,139 posts

However, I do believe most (il get crusafide here if I don't say this even though its obvious) girls want guys they can "surrender to", "need to be tamed" and somehow hard to get. Hell I'm not even making this up from personal stories, its in all the books.

And where is your evidence?
322 posts

To give evidence for that I would have to ask every girl in the world wouldnt I? I think you're a big girl and you should know whats an opinion that can never be proven completely true or falls when you see it.
Again, this isn't just me, its in all the (good) pickup books. Do you need a link?

3,139 posts

Again, this isn't just me, its in all the (good) pickup books. Do you need a link?

Why would i need a pick up book when we're talking about sexuality?
Plus i'm twenty, i do not need pick up lines to get myself into a relationship, never have done.
347 posts

I'm fairly certain that most girls don't want to submit to everything the guy wants her to. I'm sure girls don't want to be controlled over - instead they would rather have an equal relationship with the guy.

When you say they want a guy they can "surrender to" or that "will tame them", it just sounds like they would want a guy that takes advantage of them, and doesn't truly love them.

A bit flawed logic, hmm?

Showing 286-300 of 2106