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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
5,952 posts

lol that be funny! But uh yeah try to chill out and just talk. But think, don't say retarded stuff.

493 posts

Try to keep in mind we're just people. Just start by talking to girls like you would a guy

I talk with a guy about Call of duty and I make fun of perks so that wont work because no girls whatsoever in my school play xbox and i talk about some other stuff that could get me slapped...

We're all capable of sharing interests across genders

Well, sorry but not with me.I kinda dont think many girls in my grade know about things like Gears 3 or Halo.

just start by making friends.

Thats the main problem.I was raised away from girls for around years of my life so its awkward even going near girls nevermind talking to them.

And Btw you are talking to a girl here.....

Situation is diferent here. I am a completely different person online who can manage to talk to anyone. Definetly not like that irl.

The best advice I think anyone can give is to be yourself

I stopped doing that long ago because being myself was shunned among my parents and my old friends so I just had to invent a new me.
5,952 posts

Fine if u don't like the advice u have to options
1, transfer to a new school in Alaska
2. Actually talk to the girls. There has to be something other than video games to talk about. Talk about the class u just lef, whats for lunch, how's r u with hw. Stuff like that just to get u started. Or just go and say hey wasup to a girl u know wont laugh in ur face. I know there r always the "cool kids" and stuff, but there r plenty of "normal kids" to talk to. Start with them to help ur confidence. Now I'm not saying don't talk about video games, I do too. I'm just saying don't talk about them 24/7.

1,627 posts

Just be yourself, and don't do anything stupid...

529 posts

Just be yourself, and don't do anything stupid...

exactly! but as a girl sometimes doing stupid things kinda makes a girl like the guy more xD.. thats what my boyfriend did to me to get me to notice him.. ( he snorted smarties )
493 posts

Eh, well you see, I wouldnt have a problem with girls an migh have been able to talk to some properly in a conversation for around 5 minutes had one not stabbed me in the eye with my own pencil.Mmmm, I think the red mark is still there.

Nonetheless, I will make an attempt at talking to girls this coming monday and hopefully, It wont be awkward if I find some confidence in me.

493 posts

And I am quiet a funny person when caught at the right time so I guess I've got some luck there (Lets hope some girls havent heard about the Italian man who went to Malta...)

493 posts

Don't forget that one of the worst things you can do is wait. If you sit around saying to yourself to do it in another minute, that will only make it worse. Try to gain some confidence before that happens and go.

That is why I said "I will attempt".Not because I'm thinking like "Oh ill just wait till lunch break" but because I have zero confidence in myself.I mean, I cant even go and properly ask someone for something without getting all anxious.So I just hope i fare well with this.
7 posts

I suppose it's fair enough that boys can't talk to girls,but remember don't be shy,Sure girls are not really into boy interest(Examples: Halo and Call of Duty) but one thing most of you are all familiar with (or should be) would probably be School,High School and University,Those are the main subjects that will allow you to talk to a girl (Seriously why would you want to talk to a girl anyway???) So you could (Jeez I don't know) Help her with her homework with revision or giving her some tips on how to miss school professionally(if she's a rebel kinda type),things like that you'd be surprised with the outcome...

139 posts

Don't forget that one of the worst things you can do is wait.

I can disagree on many levels with this statement.
Why..? Because, on a personal level, I've waited before. If the want to go for a specific person, waiting is very essential. Sure, waiting keeps the girl of your dreams open for the taking, but this gives you time to reflect on what to do, say, think, about a desicion that you think you're ready for. Besides, there's a way to prevent others from taking her without conflict and confusion. During school, or the times that you see her, spend time with her. Even if it's for a second, just have a little chat with her.. This way, she'll remember you for you. (Considring that you're being yourself, of course.)

Sure girls are not really into boy interest(Examples: Halo and Call of Duty)

There's never an issue to communicate with a girl about what she wants to talk about; whether it would be about makeup to whatever issue that sh's having, communication is one importantance in this situation.

or giving her some tips on how to miss school professionally(if she's a rebel kinda type),things like that you'd be surprised with the outcome...

If this wasn't a joke, it's an extremely risky action to consider; whether she would enjoy it or not. If caught, you're both not on a right foot with school, your parents, and possibly your friends - which all include your personal life and socail life. If you're messed up in these conditions, and your starting a relationship, then it wouldn't be a very fit relationship and chances are that it won't last. A prime example would be that for friends telling you different, parents telling her that you're no good, etc, etc..
7 posts

If this wasn't a joke, it's an extremely risky action to consider; whether she would enjoy it or not. If caught, you're both not on a right foot with school, your parents, and possibly your friends - which all include your personal life and social life. If you're messed up in these conditions, and your starting a relationship, then it wouldn't be a very fit relationship and chances are that it won't last. A prime example would be that for friends telling you different, parents telling her that you're no good, etc, etc..

Missing school is not that bad since in our High School you can buy "Skip passes" which are sold at the office for twenty Euros they can be used three times (You can skip three lessons legally).If you use them you can go anywhere out of school or study in the library,but these days not everyone has twenty Euros to spend on "Skip passes" so some people just go out of school and when they are told to show there "Skip pass they say they lost it or it's at home and they show a receipt of a bought "Skip pass" that was fully used ages ago,there are many other effective ways to skip High School but that's the main,easiest and most effective one then again things are probably different in other Schooling systems in other countries...
139 posts

Missing school is not that bad since in our High School you can buy "Skip passes" which are sold at the office for twenty Euros they can be used three times (You can skip three lessons legally).If you use them you can go anywhere out of school or study in the library,but these days not everyone has twenty Euros to spend on "Skip passes" so some people just go out of school and when they are told to show there "Skip pass they say they lost it or it's at home and they show a receipt of a bought "Skip pass" that was fully used ages ago,there are many other effective ways to skip High School but that's the main,easiest and most effective one then again things are probably different in other Schooling systems in other countries...

Wow...that is different. Well then, I can't really argue with that in the sense that you can buy the tickets to get out of school. But, the again, try not to abuse the chance. As you said, things are different in other schooling systems and trying to get of school where I am, suffers in serious consequences.

You lucky dog! =P
4,104 posts

Missing school is not that bad since in our High School you can buy "Skip passes"...

Wow that is a terribly corrupt way for your school to make money...
1,608 posts

Missing school is not that bad since in our High School you can buy "Skip passes" which are sold at the office for twenty Euros they can be used three times (You can skip three lessons legally

I wonder where that corruptism is. In my country a school isn't able to do that because a school isn't supposed to make profit.
5,952 posts

Yeah. I wish we could by stuff like that. It would actually make the relationship thing better, to stay on topic

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