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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
1,361 posts

If she's interested in sports, it's not a bad thing at all that you discuss them with her!

But keep us posted as to how it turns out with the topic you have in mind.

2,150 posts

Alright I don't mean to kill your un but I need some help.
So basically their is a girl I like and me being the idiot I am is blowing it. My problem is that I don't know really what to say. I mean we talk with each other a lot, but it's either about school or sports. Anytime I try to really tall with her well I just don't really know what to say...
So in short, how should I be better at talking to this girl?

Ask her questions about herself. What does she like to do? what type of music does she like, etc.
5,952 posts

Well I didn't really hang our with her today. It's times like these when you actually have a useful task for Facebook.
Things are going pretty good honestly, not akward, not too personal and not too much about school. Thanks.

5 posts

Well the girl I asked out finally gave me an answer. She said she doesn't think that right now is a good time to date anybody that she isn't ready to date again right now. Either she really means that or that was a nice way of saying no. Not real sure what to do now.

1,361 posts

Either she really means that or that was a nice way of saying no.

Well, she IS saying no... but only because she isn't ready to date anybody right now.

If she becomes interested in the future, you'll probably have no trouble noticing the signs. =)
1,081 posts

I really need some help. I've been with my girlfriend for about 1 year and 9 months now. We have really good times on some weekends but lately it's been constant arguing, I try talking to her calmly and nothing works! Everyday its the same cr@p, different day. I've planned to leave her but I don't know something keeps pulling me back, what should I do?

2,150 posts

what are you two arguing about?

1,608 posts

I really need some help. I've been with my girlfriend for about 1 year and 9 months now. We have really good times on some weekends but lately it's been constant arguing, I try talking to her calmly and nothing works! Everyday its the same cr@p, different day. I've planned to leave her but I don't know something keeps pulling me back, what should I do?

Just make her forget all your fighting and the little things that annoy her by doing something romantic. May cost you something but if u love her it is worth every penny you own.
650 posts

Woman are always right
The sooner a man learns that, the better he will do in his life.

Agree with the lady and like Nightwish said do things that dont annoy her, and be romantic ( but perhaps not over-romantic to the point where you could ace the Romeo part in your school play) Do what your heart decides. You've been with her for almost 2 years... some arguments shouldnt break you up.

5 posts

Well today she told me that she just sees us as friends and doesn't see it going further than that. Guess im just gonna move on. Find somebody else who makes me the happiest person in the world.

2,150 posts

Woman are always right
The sooner a man learns that, the better he will do in his life.

I'm going to assume that's a joke.
The cure for arguing is argue less. Give up some petty beliefs and figure out a compromise. Relationships take sacrifice. If you're not willing to sacrifice, then it's already lost.

Well today she told me that she just sees us as friends and doesn't see it going further than that. Guess im just gonna move on. Find somebody else who makes me the happiest person in the world.

Then don't waste another brain cell on her. heck, If you want to spite her, then don't even be friends. here's a warning though. DO NOT! let her lead you on any longer. talk in school or work if you want, but none further than that. Don't go out of you way to be nice, or do things for her.
1,081 posts

what are you two arguing about?

Like really dumb things. She gets mad because I fall asleep on her and I don't get mad when she does that. She gets mad because I walk with another girl to ONE class and she's friends with that girl!-.- And I don't say a word when she walks with another dude I don't even know.

Just make her forget all your fighting and the little things that annoy her by doing something romantic. May cost you something but if u love her it is worth every penny you own.

I did. I had took her out to eat in some average resturant, (I'm only a sophomore so don't judge me lol) & then took her out to the movies to watch Think Like a Man when I wanted to watch the Avengers. Everything was good and I had that feeling inside that I first had when we went out on our first date, but then there was more arguing like 2 days later!
3,766 posts


You have to think is putting up with all this worth it? Do you really like this girl so much that you can put up with all her annoy aspects? Just some things to think about.

Personally I would try and get her to calm down. Ask her why these things bug her. Tell her that even though you have other friends that are female that they are not as important as her. If she really loves you back she will understand this stuff.

This is all coming from a guy that has never been in a relationship before so you can try it or not.

1,081 posts


Well talking with her pretty much gets us no where half the time. I've been wanting to leave her but like I said something keeps pulling me back and I don't know what it is.

13,344 posts

I've been wanting to leave her but like I said something keeps pulling me back and I don't know what it is.

You probably still love her. Which makes sense, seeing as you've been together for nearly 2 years. It's only natural that your feelings, as conscious as the may or may not be, would pull you in even if on the surface you feel that you no longer want her.

On a different note, I'd like to congratulate you all on helping reach 100 pages of relationship advice, experience and insight.
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