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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,139 posts

How about like meeting halfway? Somewhere that's conveniant for her and you?

I wish that was realistic, but i have a teaching job and she works 13 hour shifts 5 days a week and is starting college, so we both have a lot going on to meet up before i'm back. I leave here in two months and we're arranged a visit in two months two weeks.

Plus we work it pretty well even with the time difference. I get up at 5am for her getting off work, she gets up an hour earlier than usual for me getting off work and we skype on our days off. That said, it's not a relationship. We're not titling it until we meet i guess.

Advice for people doing this: Keep it cool, it's inevitable you will at some stage sound clingy and needy, ha.
767 posts

So I see this thread became dead for one day!
I must not let that happen! Well 2 days for all of us Eastern Time and greater.
Anyways, remember that girl I used to like...still like? :O
So I haven't talked to her for I think one week. She has made no attempt in recontacting me. The last message I sent her was on the 12th saying I wasn't feeling good. Which was nevertheless the truth sort of. She replied with an alright bye? Do I keep this up? Do I wait until I dunno...she contacts me? What if she never does? Does that mean I should come crawling back? Her birthday is coming up...I dunno whether to do anything about it...well by coming up it's at the end of not exactly coming up.

What do I do?
On a further note, one night, or two I felt horrible. So I trashed her out...on a social media app by trashing I mean...not cursing. I rarely curse. I mean as in saying she left me things like that. But I dunno. Seemed harsh to me. Im a nice person usually. Im not sure if she noticed it yet...but she's bound to one way or another.

Should I make it seem Im dead?
My phone is bricked.
My iPod's battery fuse blew out.
She has no FaceBook. (Lucky her...)
The only way she can contact me besides going to my house is emailing me and texting me on this texting app for the web.
Also I use Instagram to troll the world with pictures on the Family iPad.
I can just ignore her? But every now and then as in when I wake up and go to sleep and during the middle of the day, I have the urge to check all my ways of contacting her for messages and things like that. Each and every time I am sadly disappointed...

767 posts

I just realized, I didn't post my second problem....
So here goes:
Another problem. Wow Im a mess?

Im moving. To a new state. I don't know anybody besides Im supposed to be meeting the realtor's daughter who goes to the school and is a senior. (So no help there since she'll be here for 1 year). How do you guys make friends especially in new places? What are your tips?

3,139 posts

Ace: If the girl doesn't seem interested then you have to leave it and find someone whos worth your time. If you're confused about whether or not she's into you, then i reckon take a chance and try. I always do. Sometimes it works, sometimes you get a bit hurt but at least there's no "what ifs". Sometimes people get distracted and don't write back properly - why don't you ask her how she is, or if she wants to do something? If you like her, take the trash talk down.

How do you guys make friends especially in new places? What are your tips?

Just remember there'll be other new people there looking for friends. If you're going to school, just talk to the people you sit beside, try make friends that way. You'll hopefully live in a neighbourhood where there'll be other people your age.
3,675 posts

How do you guys make friends especially in new places? What are your tips?

Get a job, you darn hippy! Or, um, volunteer somewhere if you are too young to work. Or after-school extra curricular activites. Same idea.

Fer serious, it helps a lot. Each job I've had I always got to make new friends from my co-workers. Then that opens up so many circles to jump into and mingle with.
For example:
The most recent place I've started working at, my first shift was last Wednesday. After working three shifts there, I already have a few new acquaintances and one guy I'm starting to know pretty well. Apparently he is dating a girl I went to high school with.
You never know who knows who.
3,766 posts

She has no FaceBook. (Lucky her...)

I have reconnected with tons of my old friends on FB.
How do you guys make friends especially in new places? What are your tips?

Just be yourself. Be friendly and talk to people. You will soon figure out who you get along with and who you don't. It isn't as hard as you would think. I have lived in 4 different states and when I first got there I would know no one. It will take a bit of time but you will soon have friends.
767 posts

why don't you ask her how she is, or if she wants to do something? If you like her, take the trash talk down.

Thanks I decided, I'll wait it out until her birthday and just wish her a happy birthday and see where that goes to.

Just remember there'll be other new people there looking for friends. If you're going to school, just talk to the people you sit beside, try make friends that way. You'll hopefully live in a neighbourhood where there'll be other people your age.

Get a job, you darn hippy! Or, um, volunteer somewhere if you are too young to work. Or after-school extra curricular activites. Same idea.
Fer serious, it helps a lot. Each job I've had I always got to make new friends from my co-workers. Then that opens up so many circles to jump into and mingle with.
For example:
The most recent place I've started working at, my first shift was last Wednesday. After working three shifts there, I already have a few new acquaintances and one guy I'm starting to know pretty well. Apparently he is dating a girl I went to high school with.
You never know who knows who.

Just be yourself. Be friendly and talk to people. You will soon figure out who you get along with and who you don't. It isn't as hard as you would think. I have lived in 4 different states and when I first got there I would know no one. It will take a bit of time but you will soon have friends.

Thanks for the advice everybody. I'll just try to be myself and see where I fit in. That really didn't work in middle school. But this high school has more people, so I can probably find someone or two who shares my interests. I'll also go for more and more clubs and try volunteering more often.
1,627 posts

Well, I have a relationship issue...just not with my girl. It's with my parents. I have a feeling a huge blowup is right around the corner with them, most likely over my girlfriend. How can I conduct myself in a manner which a) won't get me in massive trouble, b) not have them force me to break up with her, and c) for me to get my way for the most part (I want to see her on Sunday).

5,952 posts

Thanks for the advice everybody. I'll just try to be myself and see where I fit in. That really didn't work in middle school. But this high school has more people, so I can probably find someone or two who shares my interests. I'll also go for more and more clubs and try volunteering more often.

Being the new kid sucks. That was me last year. It was pretty rough. If you need any other help we are here.
Well, I have a relationship issue...just not with my girl. It's with my parents. I have a feeling a huge blowup is right around the corner with them, most likely over my girlfriend. How can I conduct myself in a manner which a) won't get me in massive trouble, b) not have them force me to break up with her, and c) for me to get my way for the most part
. Well are you and your girl schedualed to meet or do you just want to?
1,627 posts

Well are you and your girl schedualed to meet or do you just want to?


Like I said earlier, she isn't going to the 4 night retreat because of her dad. I want her to go, but unfortunately she cant. We have not had two minutes alone in the past 3 weeks, and we haven't been able to hang out at all. I want to hang out with her this upcoming sunday.
767 posts

Like I said earlier, she isn't going to the 4 night retreat because of her dad. I want her to go, but unfortunately she cant. We have not had two minutes alone in the past 3 weeks, and we haven't been able to hang out at all. I want to hang out with her this upcoming sunday.

I remember your story. I forgot though, did your parents and her parents hate each other? Have they even met? Why not arrange a meeting with them ONLY. Like at a public place, where they have choice of keeping their cool, or being deemed as a patient for Charlie Sheen's Anger Management program? You and the girl can stay home, or see if you two/too could go somewhere together?

(Serious question: In the last sentence behind these parenthesis, which "two/too" do I use?)
1,627 posts

I forgot though, did your parents and her parents hate each other? Have they even met?

No, and yes. Her parents are divorced.

Why not arrange a meeting with them ONLY. Like at a public place, where they have choice of keeping their cool, or being deemed as a patient for Charlie Sheen's Anger Management program?

Wouldn't work, her dad from what I hear doesn't care...he has a Napoleon complex.

You and the girl can stay home, or see if you two/too could go somewhere together?

Two. And they won't leave us home alone (for which I don't blame them), however they do let us go to the local amusement park. We can only hang out at one of our houses when a parent is home.
767 posts

No, and yes. Her parents are divorced.

Wouldn't work, her dad from what I hear doesn't care...he has a Napoleon complex.

I think you misunderstood. I was wondering if your parents and the girl's parents have met, or at least the one who takes care of her meeting your parents?

Two. And they won't leave us home alone (for which I don't blame them), however they do let us go to the local amusement park. We can only hang out at one of our houses when a parent is home.

So if they let you go to the amusement park? So why not go like every time you need to see her? Or is it one of the parks that costs a lot?
5,952 posts

Alright Zak, I think I have an idea here.
You tell your parents that you are thinking of breaking up with the girl. Then they will either...
A. Ask why.
B. Say "Well thats good"
If A, explain the fact that you cannot see each other anymore ex.
If B, ask why they think that breaking up is a good thing.

767 posts

Alright Zak, I think I have an idea here.
You tell your parents that you are thinking of breaking up with the girl. Then they will either...
A. Ask why.
B. Say "Well thats good"
If A, explain the fact that you cannot see each other anymore ex.
If B, ask why they think that breaking up is a good thing.

That's a pretty smart idea! I wonder what Zak would think.

The more you can make them feel guilty...the better...
Ace, you there?
Oh hai...
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