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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
255 posts

ummm... i was just putting out there that

I think that's weird too. I never understood it. Basically being " in a relation ship" that young is holding hands in the hall and sitting by each other at lunch. It's stupid and makes all the other kids feel bad. They think that their is something wrong with them because they are single. That's how I felt in 6th grade at least. I think once your in highschool your fine. I'm just saying that it's rather pointless when your that young and still being controlled by your parents.

isnt necessarily true at my school.
5,952 posts

isnt necessarily true at my school.

I think we have already determined that your school is special.
Also there is an eighth grade girl(i am not friends woth or even know) who is pregnant AND got a piercieng in a place that would hurt EXTREMELY bad this past summer.

It isn't asking her that is weird but if I should ask her sister(cause Cristina is never on). I don't know her sister as well.

Better idea, ask her face to face. Can you do that?

Could it possibly get any worse than that?

Well lets see...
Also there is an eighth grade girl who is pregnant

Yes, yes it can.
767 posts

And Ace is being creepy again.

Where did I creep you out?

Should I ask her sister for Cristina's phone number or would that seem weird?

Would you rather fall into the abyss of not having any contact with a girl you really like?

Also! Oh GOODIE! I started the underage dating debate! And at the same time the friendzone debate! I feel pretty good now...

AND got a piercieng in a place that would hurt EXTREMELY bad this past summer.

I never plan on getting an earing piercing unlike this bad person.

Also there is an eighth grade girl who is pregnant


The girl walked THREE MILES to his house by herself at ONE A.M.!!!!

I'm pretty sure she had a reasonable explanation for this midnight stroll.

At my middle school, there were kids who drank and smoked. A kid brought rum into school. The same kid smokes weed. A whole bunch of kids smoke pot/cigarettes and drink. I personally am friends with some of them, but honestly they look like normal people. I would never fall to narcotics and plan to be sober. But they are normal people. Good friends too. They would never offer me things because they know I would never accept it.

Well in sixth grade at my school there WAS kissing and going in dates.

6th grade? Psssh, in middle school I used to hear stories of kids kissing in Kindergarten. They were telling the truth. They sneaked behind something and kissed each other.

The sexually active part is something I have heard only once.
I have heard from guys when I was in 8th grade, about saying that their girlfriend was to scared to do it.
5,952 posts

I'm pretty sure she had a reasonable explanation for this midnight stroll.

Yeah, its
Also there is an eighth grade girl who is pregnant

I never plan on getting an earing piercing unlike this bad person.

Silly, obviously means nose piercing
3,766 posts

Better idea, ask her face to face. Can you do that?

Sadly that(Facebook) is the only way I can contact her.

Ya, I already said Facebook was the only way I can contact her right now. Unless you want be flying half way across the country.
Would you rather fall into the abyss of not having any contact with a girl you really like?

I lived 4 years without talking to her, I can live a few more months. If she comes online and responds great. If she doesn't I will ask her sister.
Also! Oh GOODIE! I started the underage dating debate! And at the same time the friendzone debate! I feel pretty good now...

I was the one that started that thank you very much.
5,952 posts

Ya, I already said Facebook was the only way I can contact her right now. Unless you want be flying half way across the country.

Well then if you have to, I guess you could ask her sister. Or do some good old fashioned facebook stalking and try to find an email address. Or....write a letter! I know, its not 2010, no ones writes letters anymore.
255 posts

the thing is that i am at one of those, "accelerated magnet smart schools" which makes this even more scary. if this is what the "mature and gifted" students are doing, i wonder what the "average" middle schoolers are doing?

5,952 posts

the thing is that i am at one of those, "accelerated magnet smart schools" which makes this even more scary. if this is what the "mature and gifted" students are doing, i wonder what the "average" middle schoolers are doing?

Don't flatter yourself, I'm in one of those. They really are just the same but they give you a dress code,
767 posts

I was the one that started that thank you very much.

Oh yeah...I gotta give you credit for the underaged dating one, but I am pretty sure I started the friendzone one.

Well then if you have to, I guess you could ask her sister. Or do some good old fashioned facebook stalking and try to find an email address. Or....write a letter! I know, its not 2010, no ones writes letters anymore.

Some people put their email public on Facebook. And wow...I just bought myself a bunch of stamps for no reason. -_-
5,952 posts

Some people put their email public on Facebook. And wow...I just bought myself a bunch of stamps for no reason. -_-

I know, me too! But some jack wagon had to go and make this thing called "internet" and " email" and "Facebook". What shall we do with the stamps?
School starts tomorrow D:
Wish me luck with.....well, living in general. But ya know, other things too.
255 posts

Don't flatter yourself, I'm in one of those. They really are just the same but they give you a dress code,

well i am taking geometry honors as an eighth grader.
5,952 posts

well i am taking geometry honors as an eighth grader.

Have you met me? IMA FRIKING IDIOT! Nice to meet you.
I'm pretty sure you only take honnors in highschool. It's probably just advanced placement. And you being in the slightly advanced math doesn't mean anything for your school. No offense, they sound kinda retarted. Advanced schools FTW!
My friend is taking calculus honnors in 9th grade. Get owned son
255 posts

Honors just means an above-your-grade class. AP is a college class taken in highschool.

Did i mention that i have a high school credit in language(japanese), a high school credit in computers(sixth grade), a high school credit in Geography, AND a highschool credit in algebra. Its only the second week of eighth grade.

The geometry class is also a credit. I will be out of language requirements by 9th grade, and be done with math by 10th(not that i'll stop)
Over the past few years i have educated my self in physics. Carreer choice is (theroetical) astro-physicist. I have hopes to go to stamford or Yale(before you say, "Good luck, Chuck", my current science teacher went to Yale and has connections to those top notch colleges and physics programs.

I am very sorry for building up your hopes of owning me.

3,139 posts

The sexually active part is something I have heard only once.
I have heard from guys when I was in 8th grade, about saying that their girlfriend was to scared to do it.

See, society expects a guy to "get it" at an early age on the basis of peer pressure. If a group of teenage lads all sleep with girls and one person chooses to wait, he's kind of looked down upon. With girls, it's the opposite. (This is in some cases, not all).

I think it should simply be about when both people are ready. If both people are ready at fourteen, so be it. If both people are ready at thirty, so be it. You have to take the persons maturity, emotional wellbeing and sexual education/awareness etc into consideration, not just the year they were born.
5,952 posts

, a high school credit in computers

Wut? This is a class?
Stay on topic young sir.
credit in algebra

Thought you said you were taking geomatry.
See, society expects a guy to "get it" at an early age on the basis of peer pressure. If a group of teenage lads all sleep with girls and one person chooses to wait, he's kind of looked down upon. With girls, it's the opposite. (This is in some cases, not all).

Not always. Some guys will think that girl is "cool" until she does it again. Then you get all the lovely words thrown around.
I think it should simply be about when both people are ready. If both people are ready at fourteen, so be it. If both people are ready at thirty, so be it. You have to take the persons maturity, emotional wellbeing and sexual education/awareness etc into consideration, not just the year they were born.

Preach on.
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