In your opinion which newscast is better and less biased, FOX or MSNBC? Why do u think tht? (I choose FOX btw they are less liberal and tell u stuff the goverment doesnt want us o know)
Really I haven't a clue who I would pick. If I had to choose I guess it would be MSNBC because I know FOX is prone to fabricate or overexagerate stories to the highest extreme. Also, FOX promoted Glen Beck who is a proven liar and severely biased to Republican viewpoints.
Why don't we agree that they are both incredibly biased and should both be destroyed and merged into one giant corporation that spews out bull crap for both sides of the political line.
Why don't we agree that they are both incredibly biased and should both be destroyed and merged into one giant corporation that spews out bull crap for both sides of the political line.