I guess that many users here are from the United States.
I'm from Germany, and some days ago, some friends and me were talking about America's point of view towards Germany. Somebody told that when she was in America, the people asked if she likes how Hitler governs.
I hope I don't have to explain that Germany is a democratic country and that Hitler died 70 years ago.
My question: What does America think about Germany? Are the prejudices true and America thinks that Hitlers still alive or what else?
I lived in Germany, and now I live in Canada. No one in Canada with their right mind actually thinks that Germany is a fascist country. Anyways, Germany is much better then America. Much better living standards.
Germany is one of my favorite countries. Anyone who still associates Nazi Germany with modern Germany is, in my humble opinion, a complete moron. Nazi Germany was a completely separate government from today's Germany.
Think of all the things modern Germany has done for us: Over 350 cheeses, the autobahn and wonderful engineering. I'm just joking about the cheese and the autobahn, so please don't take offense, lol. And yes, I really love cheese and traveling at a high velocity inside a vehicle.
Well some people are stupid and denied that the holocaust ever happened and some people still assume all Germans are bad and are Nazi's. I hold no prejudice against Germans and the only people who do are the one's who barely know any facts about what happened.
I think Germany's awesome! I took German in school for five years. I know a little about the culture, and I love German food. I hope to visit one day (hopefully in Oktoberfest)
Not too mention Germany practially invented the whole goth scene
I totally want to visit Germany now!
I. although Im not American, have no hard felling against Germany. That was in the past and this is now the present. I want to visit Germany so badly within my lifespan.
A bit sterotypical but most people think of germany as beer, autobahn and beer wenches.
I hope to visit one day (hopefully in Oktoberfest)
chocolate, beer, pirates of the leaky dinghies
Well, I hope the Arguements about beer are just jokes. If you are talking about beer you mean the south of Germany ;D No, seriously: Munich is the best place for the Oktoberfest.
Not too mention Germany practially invented the whole goth scene
Germany is a fantastic nation. The history is very diverse and intriguing. I especially enjoy Otto von Bismarck's time period. For those of you who don't know Germany used to be divided into several smaller states and kingdoms, the most powerful of these being Prussia. Bismarck was the Prime Minister to King Whilhelm I.
Bismarck launched several unification wars against outside powers. Namely Denmark and Austro-Hungary. Using a technique known as Real Politik it he made his wars seem justified to the Prussian people, along with several German states. Eventually, a nationalist movement arose and the German forces attacked, and defeated the French. After this Bismarck sued for peace, knowing that war was simply a means to an end. He wanted a unified Germany, and he succeed.
Also, definately want to visit the old site of Dachau one day. I wrote my grade 12 history essay on the concentration camps in Germany. Dachau was my main focus.
the general thing here is to joke and tease your friends alongside other things you do with friends....
the people she talked to either were joking and teasing her to break the ice (b/c maybe they liked her... or were just intrigued w/ meeting her)...........ooooorrrrrrr she met one of the people who actually stereotype and act accordingly ...and so met w/ someone who was trying to be mean to her.
another way to look at it is the two people don't really know anything about each other but they knew something about her cultural history so they ask her about her view of it so as to see how the other side of the world thinks.
I converse w/ someone from germany over the internets all the time... and I've asked this person similar questions.
we don't know the context of how the person asked your friend to tell much else