What is chance? How is it represented in mathematics? Why does it exist? If chance is capable of creating the universe (according to atheists, who claim to be intellectuals, and therefore know more than I do), then why doesn't everyone win the lottery?
Just noticed that I made a huge mistake, I meant (absolute) frequency in the last paragraph, not probability. Anyway, correction: What will happen is that the more we repeat the experiment the more the frequencies (f1,f2,...,f6) will tend to 1/6. And, after an infinite amount of tests all the frequencies will be belike 1/6.
Now, lets hypothesize a perfect dice, with virtually no anomalies and a machine that rolls the dice exactly the same way every single time, will the result be, if we roll the dice 6000 times, 1000 of each value? No, not obligatory. What will happen is that the more we repeat the experiment the more the probabilities will tend to 1/6. And, after an infinite amount of tests all the probabilites will be belike 1/6.
If you did this and there were no air currents or anything and the dice always faced the same way up, in exactly the right conditions it would always land with the same number