ForumsGame WalkthroughsCounter-Strike-Souce

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Hey you yes you! Do you have a STEAM account or nonSTEAM if you do you might notice that alot of people play CounterStrikeSource it is one of the highest rated P2P game's on the internet. *Now time for the guide* My opinion for good game play set mouse sensitivity to 6.5 then go in ur own little thing-server and play with bot's until u think uv mastered the art of quick mouse. Part 2 drink alot of soda and be really focused that is part of aim and how a player is killed. Part 3 alway's try to keep ur mouse aimed right were a head would be. Part 4 if ur new dl a help pack off download it and extract it to ur game. Ty for reading if u came this far comment freely.

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610 posts

so this an open source steam download? seems good. where can you find the download, that way i can tell if your strategy is any good.
(if it needs to be bought, let me know, i can still probably get it. going to get g-mod first though.)

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