I would like to get some second opinion on a matter of "identity" or personality and also uniqueness. i will start by providing with few definitions of the word and meaning in fields of socio and philosophic sciences (as well as their source).
In philosophy, identity, from Latin: identitas (âsamenessâ), is the exact sameness of things. According to Leibniz's law two things sharing every attribute are not only similar, but are the same thing. The concept of sameness has given rise to the general concept of identity, as in personal identity and social identity.
An entity can only be fully identical with itself. Any difference gives rise to a separate identity. Thus identity is whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable, in terms of possessing a set of qualities or characteristics that distinguish it from other entities. In layman's terms, identity is whatever makes something the same or different.
Identity is an umbrella term used throughout the social sciences to describe a person's conception and expression of their individuality or group affiliations (such as national identity and cultural identity). The term is used more specifically in psychology and sociology, including the two forms of social psychology. The term is also used with respect to place identity.
also wikipedia and to finish with definitions a plain definition what "identity" means in english.
â"noun, plural -ties. 1. the state or fact of remaining the same one or ones, as under varying aspects or conditions: The identity of the fingerprints on the gun with those on file provided evidence that he was the killer. 2. the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another: He doubted his own identity. 3. condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is: a case of mistaken identity. 4. the state or fact of being the same one as described. 5. the sense of self, providing sameness and continuity in personality over time and sometimes disturbed in mental illnesses, as schizophrenia. 6. exact likeness in nature or qualities: an identity of interests. 7. an instance or point of sameness or likeness: to mistake resemblances for identities. 8. Logic . an assertion that two terms refer to the same thing. 9. Mathematics . a. an equation that is valid for all values of its variables. b. Also called identity element, unit element, unity. an element in a set such that the element operating on any other element of the set leaves the second element unchanged. c. the property of a function or map such that each element is mapped into itself. d. the function or map itself. 10. Australian Informal . an interesting, famous, or eccentric resident, usually of long standing in a community. Use identity in a Sentence See images of identity Search identity on the Web Origin: 1560â"70; < Late Latin identitÄs, equivalent to Latin ident ( idem ) repeatedly, again and again, earlier *idem et idem ( idem neuter of Ä«dem the same + et and) + -itÄs -ity
Pheeew... let's begin the topic which is WHAT MAKES AN IDENTITY/PERSONALITY WHAT IT IS. just in case i will rephrase, how did the person you are now (with your point of views, things you like/dislike......YOU) came to be. and WHAT AFFECTS A PERSONS PERSONALITY.
****i quick side note****** I am respectfully asking not to pollut this thread by: personal attacs, or attacs on the point of view, without a proper explanation why you think your interlocutor is wrong and where. and i will be very thankfull for the link of the sources you use(if used)
@ Masterforger that's definitely a very solid point of view (may i ask you to go more into details). though the existence of a soul isn't a fact. it still needs to be proven.
I was going to attempt to explain it but I don't see the point. If you feel like gaining insight to your brain (and gaining a headache) then I feel this video (50:00 documentary some of you may have seen) is here.
I basically follow this. The brain is usually enviromentally revolved around the reactions of others and everything else.
The soul, or Ghost, is our way of thinking and acting. think about it. how come your way of thinking is different? how can you think at all? the soul is our way of naming that....entity. The Ghost is a way of defining it down to the last detail, like a Forger finishing a gear.
IMO, your personality is your how your brain handles different situations, and it learns how to deal with those situations from experiences. So I'd say, yeah, personalities are shaped by the environment.
Personality, identity, psychical identity, character, all these are due because of individual brain area development, in size as in proportion. Some parts may be inheritated, many are influenced by your surrounding, environment and experiences. The soul is something we have no proof for, and is not needed to explain individuality.