a) The symbolism of Jesus dying for our sins is the whole basis of Christianity. (In no way mentioning that God made the tree that started original sin).
b) Because the people who made up Christianity think it's funny that a supposedly peace loving religion is represented by a method of torture and execution
Crucifixion is a really horrible method of death and it gives more credibility to the claim "Jesus suffered for our sins" while still being likely and not overly dramatic
Crucifixion is a really horrible method of death and it gives more credibility to the claim "Jesus suffered for our sins" while still being likely and not overly dramatic
Yes but how does this affect the believeability of the State: "Jesus died for our sins"?
I guess the structure of the wooden cruzifix didn't have a symbolism at first, it was at least used by romans (the guy that put his vanquished enemies on cruzifixes all along the road back home, for example), and it is probably simply because of human anatomy, to have their arms spread and their body exposed while they hang around waiting for death. This sadistic way of torturing execution was later taken as symbol for christs because their guru died on such a cross. It reminds them what he has supposedly done for them, they didn't choose it however.
That's more or less how I would see this right now, without any research done, so don't take that too strictly.
crucifixion was the most humiliating and torturing way of execution available by that time, and it wasn't preventing the victim to communicate. It's probable that Christ already knew which death he'll suffer, hence his words about "Whoever wants to follow me, reject yourself, take your cross and follow me". And he showed us how is it to carry one's cross, literally and metaphorically. Probably there's more, I'm about to sleep so I can't remember more.
Because its the final sacrifice, the greatest act of love so that we can be saved from ourselves. It seems farfetched for those who dont understand but its really important for us Christians. Jesus, himself needed to die on the cross because, In the book of Leviticus, people used to sacrifice lambs to God on an alter to make themselves worthy to be forgiven. Jesus, called the Lamb of God, was the ultimate "lamb" for us to be worthy to be forgiven.
I think I know the answer now: Cruzification was the worst way to die 2000 years before, right? Jesus' last Words were "Father, I'll put my soul in your arms" (loose translation by me). Maybe that shall be a proof for Jesus creed.
The fact that jesus suffered pain adds to "he suffered for our sins" and there were worse ways to die than crucifixion but it was probably the norm for people like him
Because its the final sacrifice, the greatest act of love so that we can be saved from ourselves. It seems farfetched for those who dont understand but its really important for us Christians. Jesus, himself needed to die on the cross because, In the book of Leviticus, people used to sacrifice lambs to God on an alter to make themselves worthy to be forgiven. Jesus, called the Lamb of God, was the ultimate "lamb" for us to be worthy to be forgiven.
So in other words the only way God could forgive us for an act one of our ancestors did (that many only regard as a metaphor and not something that actually happened), was for something to first be killed in order satisfy his vengeful nature. And the only way God will ever accept me and not have me tortured for eternity is if I first accept this cruel and barbaric "gift".
was for something to first be killed in order satisfy his vengeful nature.
I think you forgot that it was God, in his fleshful form or earthly form, who died on the cross.
cruel and barbaric "gift".
You may put it in these manipulative words but it was because it was the only way for it to be done, an untimate sacrifice. It was actually a "gift" of love and eternal life.
So an omnipotent being had to commit suicide (which BTW is called a sin in the bible which is HIS holy book) to forgive himself over something he instigated
The Bible deems suicide as killing one's self with no moral intent. If one sacrifices himself for the well-being of others it shall not be deemed suicide.