I still think it's kinda like a child's magical thinking. If I plant a coin, a money tree will grow. If I cut off my foreskin, I am instantly in god's good graces! (Apperently, god has a foreskin fetish according to the jews!)
Considering the Bibles fetish with foreskins it makes one wonder what part of the body of Christ do those little wafers transubstantiate into?
No, I am saying it is. Google BME to see my point.
I got this
It is the removal of the prepuce, which holds a lot of nerve endings. In the victorian era, boys were circumcised to help prevent them from masturbating.
Baptism is a prerequisite, yes. But after you were baptized, you need to live by the Lord's commandments, please attend catechism lessons to find out more, I am unauthorised to teach others. If you know that baptism is a first step to salvation, but yet unable to undergo it and say perish, you might still be saved.
Rewriting this as "Saved <-> Baptism".
This statement is wrong. There are people who were saved without being baptized directly, like martyrs who self-sacrificed to say save someone from fire, while not being baptized, or catechumen who didn't reach the point of second birth and died while already decided to live a Christian's life. And he asked if "Baptism -> Saved" is true, the answer is false, because you need more conditions for Saved to become true, one of them is "Bodily dead". "Saved -> Baptism" is also generally false, see above.
"~God" Previous assertion
Immediately asserting ~God does not qualify.
It kinda sickens me how some people do the christian sacraments only because they fear hell.
Well, fear of hell and knowledge of the One who can save from Hell is a mandatory condition for confession to be valid, so they are doing right.
All baptism is is having some water splashed on you, how can it help you be saved. Personally I don't think you can be saved anyway since there is nothing to save you but if God is truly omni benevolent then he would let you into heaven if you are a good person. There is lots of evidence that god is not omni benevolent but lets not go into that.
Well you don't need to be baptisted in order to be saved. it's just like qwerty thought. to be saved you need to be a good person. My God doesn't discriminate.
I am not sure but baptism enters you in too the Church and it takes away your originol sin so...
If water can take away original sin which was caused by some crazy rib woman eating a magic apple because a talking snake told her to it can't be a very bad sin. I mean people eat apples every day.
Why does everybody keep calling it an apple? It never says that it's an apple.
According to wiki the magic fruit being depicted as an apple originated in Asia. More traditionally it was depicted as either a fig or grapes.
"In Western Christian art, the fruit of the tree is commonly depicted as the apple, which originated in central Asia. This depiction may have originated as a Latin pun: by eating the malum (apple), Eve contracted mÄlum (evil)."
Talking snakes? Pet stores don't sell 'em. So...is the story of Adam and Eve nonsense, or is there meaning beyond their disobedience? Do a search: The First Scandal. Then click twice.
I'm Southern Baptist and I believe that you don't have to be baptized. The purpose of that is to wash away sins, but that is done in your heart. Being baptized is symbolic. It doesn't have to be done. Take for instance people who are terminally ill and can't get out of bed. They can't be baptized but can be saved and, in my opinion, still go to heaven.