Donald Trump, one of the most annoying figures in history, running for president. But thats some other guys topic.
My topic is about... Interactive Ads!
You know that little 'i' in the corner of some Ads?
That is actually just a thing that is a 'Ad from Google', these 'Ads from Google' look at your cache and browsing history, and make ads according to what you've been looking up. Now if this is correct, I shouldn't have gotten an ad for Donald Trump just by clicking on the topic.
Because I don't feel like doing any research what-so-ever on this topic, I'll just create an example.
Step 1: Google that ArmorGames Step 2: Click on a Link Step 3: Theres an Ad for ArmorGames on Kong! No Way! And it's got a little 'i'
Congratulations, you've just been sucked into interactive cache advertising.
Yeah that's all I know about interactive cache advertising. That it searches your cache and bases ads on that subject. I suspect most of you have pornography ads up right now.
It's not 'ad-block' that actually does anything besides block the occasional pop-up, I'm using Chrome too, interactive ads are just a google service. I'm not complaining about it, just bringing it to focus. ArmorGames sold Ad-space to Google, and google uses its ineractive ad.
I don't actually care too much for the ad-block since I hardly get any pop-up ads anyway. But it's not about that. Do you have ads that show up on AG? If you do thats because they sell the space out, so what I'm saying is AG sells Ad Space to Google.
Okay, but what do you want us to talk about? Our opinions? Our thoughts? Discuss it? What is the purpose of it?
I think displaying ads basing on your internet history is a good idea, I only get ads about games and I click them most of the times, but basing on the page content can become weird sometimes... once I was in a chat room called "ghosts of exit path" and I got an ad for a indian society of evil spirits hunters O.o