ForumsWEPRAmerica's Dark History

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185 posts

What actions do you think were some of America's worst mistakes? Not just the ethical ones, but also the strategic ones.

Here are some of my opinions on America's mistakes: (not ordered in any way)

1. The American Indian Holocaust

2. Our prolonged occupation of Vietnam

3. Forcing Japanese-American citizens into internment camps

4. The Bay of Pigs invasion

5. The Jim Crow laws, and other discrimination techniques

6. Our military assistance to the French during their war against the Vietminh

  • 13 Replies
554 posts

OMG, how could you forget things like nuking japan and electing bush. I don't really know anymore since I'm english

8,256 posts

Obama as our president?

Actually that was one of your better moves.
185 posts

It will be easier to tell whether or not Obama's presidency is a bad idea once his terms are over and we are able to look back at the past with less controversy and bias.

4,206 posts

It will be easier to tell whether or not Obama's presidency is a bad idea once his terms are over and we are able to look back at the past with less controversy and bias.

Actually considering the choices, it was for the better to elect him.
3,437 posts

It will be easier to tell whether or not Obama's presidency is a bad idea once his terms are over and we are able to look back at the past with less controversy and bias.

In history there is no such thing as an unbiased view. No matter what your view will be twisted in some way or another. I also doubt Obama will be a very noteworthy president in your histories. On the other hand George W. Bush may be mentioned in regards to the invasion of Iraq. Personally I believe Viet Nam was a grave mistake in American history, not so much for the poor strategy, but because it was not needed. Furthermore you learned nothing from it, and to this day I hear Americans tell me that they WON the war in Viet Nam...
1,255 posts

Actually considering the choices, it was for the better to elect him.

So true man. People forget so fast how bad the other candidate truly was.

I also doubt Obama will be a very noteworthy president in your histories.

Meh, he will go down as a black president. That is all.
3,371 posts

Meh, he will go down as a black president. That is all.

exactly! he isn't known for doing anything big enough. that was the biggest thing he did. But i feel like there's stuff he did that a lot of people don't know about or have forgotten. It would have been benifictal if he put more funding into clean energy. we pay more then $4 for a gallon of gas!
185 posts

In history there is no such thing as an unbiased view. No matter what your view will be twisted in some way or another.

I should have clarified, I mean a less biased view. You are right, history is so twisted that it is almost funny.
216 posts

Still using fossil fuels as an energy source, how stupid is that.

554 posts

Still using fossil fuels as an energy source, how stupid is that.

Yes because of course there is always the option to change to green energy sources overnight since there isn't anything like say cars that run off fossil fuels that most of the population uses.
1,434 posts

from teh OP...

2, 4, and 6 I agree are little mess ups the great country of The United States of America has stumbled about on. Have not other nations had their share of screw ups? Remember teh World Wars? How about the hundreds of years of oppression the people of Europe felt during the dark ages? The folly of Persia's two wars against the Greeks?

1 I will go into more detail later, 3 as well, 5 can easily be explained as a regional policy, not a federal one.

After teh civil war, the federal government left the southern states to decide how to deal with the now-free blacks. They figured that state competition would eventually lead the south to understand that to eventually win elections and become more prominent in the government, the acceptance and equality of blacks and whites were required.

Unfortunately, the southern states released Jim Crowe laws that kept Southern, Free Blacks just a notch above slavery. They were persecuted for years until the federal Gov't stepped in and eradicated the Jim Crowe Laws. So the main federal gov't put and END to teh Jim Crowe laws, score one for the USA!

1 It wasn't necessarily a holocaust as much as it was hundreds of years of deterioration on a race that was unprepared for the diseases carried over by a different race of people. What happened to teh 10 million native americans was horrible, but not entirely at fault was the USA. Sure, Manifest Destiny called for the assimilation of the Plains Indians, but no murder. Only those who fought back were killed. Despite that, most of them were wiped out by teh SPANISH when they came over in teh 1500's, two hundred fifty years before the USA was even a thought. Score 2 for the USA!

3 ... eh... This one is pretty bad actually...

Score one for the anti-American.

Anyway, no nation is truly perfect. Despite being the sole superpower on Earth, America has had its ups and its downs, but it has always turned out on top.

what surprised me is that you went for the obvious stuff. As a patriot, i gladly list these occurances where the federal gov't might have been a bit wonky at times.

SC threatened to leave union during Andrew Jackson's term, AJ stormed into teh state w/ teh entire cavalry force of the nation and threatened to burn teh state to teh ground. (he's also teh pres. who had 2 pistols misfire at him, and then turned his cane on his attacker)

TJ bought Louisians from France. Who was the leader of France at the time? NAPOLEON. Taht's right. Teh USA helped fund the largest European war up until World War 1.

Taht whole Buffalo thing

DC v AC - Edison killed the 3rd jumbo w/DC and Arsenic to try and make Tesla look bad

that whole Pearl Harbor conspiracy

Questionable reasons for entering Mexico in 1846

Threatening UK for Oregon and British Columbia in 1840's

Not helping France w/ their democratic revolution after they helped ours (as a side activity, we also left the nation horribly in debt)

639 posts

OMG, how could you forget things like nuking japan and electing bush. I don't really know anymore since I'm english

the nuke ended a war that could have dragged on for another year or maybe even more. also just be thankful that we came in and saved all of europe's a$$

[quote]Obama as our president?

Actually that was one of your better moves.[/quote]

how can you say that? he wants to cut spending by less than a billion dollars...not going to solve any debt problems.

In history there is no such thing as an unbiased view. No matter what your view will be twisted in some way or another. I also doubt Obama will be a very noteworthy president in your histories. On the other hand George W. Bush may be mentioned in regards to the invasion of Iraq. Personally I believe Viet Nam was a grave mistake in American history, not so much for the poor strategy, but because it was not needed. Furthermore you learned nothing from it, and to this day I hear Americans tell me that they WON the war in Viet Nam...

history is written by those who win the war...or something along those lines.

[quote]Still using fossil fuels as an energy source, how stupid is that.

Yes because of course there is always the option to change to green energy sources overnight since there isn't anything like say cars that run off fossil fuels that most of the population uses.[/quote]

so right. we are moving towards clean energy, but it just takes a while.
3,224 posts

the nuke ended a war that could have dragged on for another year or maybe even more. also just be thankful that we came in and saved all of europe's a$$

If by we, you mean The Soviet Union, then you would be correct.

I would venture that one of the worst things the US is doing right now is perpetuating a failed war on drugs in Mexico by sticking to the line of prohibition. What started as a genuine moral movement, has mutated into a war on America and Mexico's underclass.
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