I think that the 30 second wait period on commenting on games should be removed. If its designed to prevent people from making the same post way more then once, it doesn't help. 30 secs isn't long enough. So, why not just get rid of the waiting period? If there's going to be one I humbly suggest making it longer. Otherwise, if its going to be 30 secs long do away with it. Anyone who's patient enough WILL wait to post multiple comments on the same game. That's just what I think. Tell me what you think!
Yeah, it adds an element of waiting to getting the armatars, if we did get rid of it, then we would have random comments for almost everything you went on, giving the moderators a heart attack. On the other hand, if we had a longer wait period, then it would make it harder to get armatars. I find this 30 second wait period good if you surf the forums for random pages to comment on.
but then people would spam on the games and forums soooooooooooooooooo much. i'm serious. the game comments would look like this:
Bob wrote: good
Bob wrote: good
Bob wrote: cool
Bob wrote: great
Bob wrote: a
Bob wrote: hi
Bob wrote:
Bob wrote:cool
Bob wrote:awesome
thaboss wrote: I really think this game is cool, but there's not enough features. there should be more guns, more enemies, and DEFINITELY more achievements. if it had those features, it would be one of
(ps, that comment is totally made up. it is not about any game at all. and would that pass as a non spam comment?)
The Reputation system would discourage such spam, as anyone who would spam the comments like that would have a really low Reputation.
hey, you're right, i forgot about the reputation system... i was thinking in terms of AG2. thanks. well then, with that in mind, i don't know. i guess it would work.
the 30 second waiting period is too prevent us all from drowning in spam, searching for the 1 comment that actually relates to the topic. i mean, think about it. if you could just post and post and post, sure you would rank up, but you would be destroying the thread with your spam, stopping any important discussion, and forcing mods to lock the thread. the 30 second wait is a gift, not a curse.
No. The 30 secs isn't to really stop spammers. I mean there still are spammers. But it's to discourage going-to-be-spammers. Making it longer would be frustrating for people who forum post or chat on profiles. Taking it away would only increase it.
any way, i agree, there is still spam, but at least it is kept to a minimum, repeat offense wise, but if we took out the 30 second post delay, you could literaly flood a thread with spam. so, is it going to stop spammers from spamming? no is it going to stop spammers from posting thousands of posts on the same thread? as far as i can tell, yes.
what u can do in forums if u dont wanna wait is while it says "Thanks for your comment! You must wait 30 seconds before commenting again." type ur message and when ur done, copy, refresh, and paste it. the 30 seconds is there party to stop people from ap hording, and partly for the annoying spammers
Yes, so do I. See, JamesRackett agrees with me on that. I'm not really looking for supporters so much that I want the general opinion. Which way does the general opinion lean? Towards keeping the 30 second rule or towards getting rid of the 30 second rule.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////yeah I think the 30 sec wait is should be done away with because what if someone made a comment and misted something but they have to wait and might forget what they wanted to say.....so in other words it dose not help