ok this is a competition to see who is the ultiment AG survivor this is what will happen........... 1. i give u a cirtant amount of time to enter 2. i choose about half of the people who wanted in to actually compete 3. i will post a random game with leaderboards(detalis on the game as the come.) 4. the people who did worst will be eliminated 5. the final 3 will compete and the best person wins. this gives u bragging rights and fame.......on ag only though
ok so if u want in this is exatly what i want u to post "i want in" simple. any questions ask on my page. i do not want this full of questions. i will let u know when more details come. the first one`s sign ups begin now until the end of the month. usually it will not be this long but for the first time i figuered what the heck. so if u r in practice all ur ag games cauz u don`t know what i will ask. enjoy
ur part of the contest, read meh prior posts for info also: people who do not know rules, read some of the first game to get the rules. that explains all. the only differnce this time is that 5 people may be eliminated, 1 will be saved. not 4 may be and 1 be saved.
for first round, u just don`t wana be the 5 worst cauz they could get eliminated exept one who will be saved by 1st place 2nd round 3 could be eliminated 1 saved 3rd 3 cpuld be eliminated,1 saved finals winner takes all
ok since i got board i will tell u game now it is sandcastle, a less popular game on my fav. u must beat the game with the best time possible. there r seven levals. once u finish it shows ur time and u must submit it to the leaderboards. it is optional to do a screen shot too. u can retry it as many times as u want, ur best score stays. replay game as much as nesasary to get best score u can. enjoy
megaman, yes u can play ok guys theg8est and jets99 r in charge until sunday sinc ei will not be on. just read up on rulz and answer questions. u two seem to know what ur doing
no ok thats not wat i mean. 1. it starts tomarrow 2. u and jets99 r in charge 3. u basicly have to answer peoples questions and consirns. do wat i have been doing. 4. no one is doing push-ups