ok this is a competition to see who is the ultiment AG survivor this is what will happen........... 1. i give u a cirtant amount of time to enter 2. i choose about half of the people who wanted in to actually compete 3. i will post a random game with leaderboards(detalis on the game as the come.) 4. the people who did worst will be eliminated 5. the final 3 will compete and the best person wins. this gives u bragging rights and fame.......on ag only though
ok so if u want in this is exatly what i want u to post "i want in" simple. any questions ask on my page. i do not want this full of questions. i will let u know when more details come. the first one`s sign ups begin now until the end of the month. usually it will not be this long but for the first time i figuered what the heck. so if u r in practice all ur ag games cauz u don`t know what i will ask. enjoy
lolynage2, xeano321, CalvinDultrey, iamnotironman, nemo12 tackycrazytnt, monbon, the bluerabbit 2 more spots i am still looking for a game. but it will be a good one. i think i will find it today but u have to know i have a life and school and hw and stuff. that is why it might take me a little longer
ok i have found our first game. i do not mean to duble post but it is important. once 2 more people join or its the end of the month i will tell u. what i wiil do is anouce the game on friday. u have until monday to get the highest score u can on said game. understand?
This seems interesting enough I guess, will get me more familiar with some of the games on here too if I'm accepted, time to say those three magic words: I want in!
Oh, I never realized it was full at the point of my entrance. I honestly don't mind if I'm not accepted, I can still play the game that you guys are and keep track of my score.
ok umm since this is the first one i will let u in. for now. no more people can play now ok i have the first game. do u guys want to start it this friday or next?
ok umm since this is the first one i will let u in. for now. no more people can play now ok i have the first game. do u guys want to start it this friday or next?
Well how about this, can you let us know now, (i need some time to practice whatever game it is) and then the Tournament can start on friday?
can you let us know now, (i need some time to practice whatever game it is)
If he did that, it would defeat the purpose of starting the tournament on Friday and would give us much more time for the tournament, which would be good but it would also make the tournament easier.
lolynage2, xeano321, CalvinDultrey, iamnotironman, nemo12 tackycrazytnt, monbon, the bluerabbit, jeol, professor oak, divisible, jmounce12. ok the game starts now until next monday. achevment unlocked 2 is the game. play time trial on solo. the worst 3 players are eliminated. good luck. u want to get the best score u can by next monday. u have to post ur highscore on the leaderboards.