Is it just me or does it seem as though Disturbed shifted after "Believe" was released? Disturbed's first two albums (The Sickness and Believe) seemed loud, crude, and had weird lyrics. After words they're music got louder, angrier, and actually seemed like it was trying to make a point with "Ten Thousand Fists", Indestructible", and "Asylum". If you listen close to these last 3 albums the lyrics make somewhat a rebellious statement that can connect with today's society. If you don't listen to Disturbed, I suggest you try them on for size because they are truly a phenomenal band.
anyway []Indestructable[/url is New and new is disturbed is better, I hate every song from The Sickness exept "Down With The Sickness"
I actually like the songs From the sickness, fear, droppin plates, the game, stupify, shout 2000, down with the sickness, and coflict. I also like asylum, indestructable, forgive, deify, ten thousand fists, sons of plunder, forgiven, and alive, but I do agree the later songs do have a bit more message than there earlier work.
Yeah, 4 out of 5 albums hit platinum. Down With The Sickness is widely recognized as their most popular album, yet it only hit gold. It's re-releasing in '10 hit platinum though. It only featured 2 new songs. If you include the re-released sickness, that's 5 out of 6 albums at platinum.
New Disturbed. The old style was more agressive, more in your face. The new style isn't as agressive, but I find that it's lyrically and musically darker, and has more meaning.
For some reason I was reading 'Dolphin Plates' at first XD.
But I'm glad that musicians make music to prove a point. It seems as though that's the only reason certain people will understand anything. Take Regurgitated Disinformation by Job for a Cowboy, for example. They totally slam the media real hard, just read up the lyrics for it. And listen to any of the songs by Gojira and you'll see where they stand on pollution
Now back to the topic. I personally don't like Disturbed as much as I used to, (I've gone for more death metal than nu metal) but I noticed this as well, especially after watching the music video for Land of Confusion.
Disturbed has changed a lot since their first album. The Sickness was a really good album, and so was Believe. They had a little bit of a positive sound, minus a couple songs. Ten Thousand Fists also had a mostly positive sound. However, Indestructible is incredibly dark, and Asylum is even darker. Like people said, I think they have a message now, since they're more mature musicians. Even though Prayer had a message. Newer songs like Indestructible, Inside the Fire, and Never Again are very meaningful songs.
All Disturbed owns. I love all their albums, but Indestructible would have to be my favorite album, having my favorite song "The Night". Believe had my other second favorite songs, Prayer and Remember.
In case nobody has noticed, old Disturbed has meanings as well. Down with the Sickness was about how Society treats its children. Not about how he was beaten as a kid. Stupify is about racism (or so I'm told). Believe is about him talking to god after the death of his grandfather. Prayer is about 9/11 when numerous religious people said that it was god who had caused it. He was telling him to "bring it on", since he knew that god had nothing to do with it.
Old Disturbed has meanings- good meanings. Dave may have swore much more in his older songs, but it doesn't mean the song itself doesn't have a meaning.