HI PPLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok all you have to do is create a riddle and try to solve the one before you. it'll be fun! i'll start...... when you pull me, you enter. when you push me, you leave. I am the boundary between old and new places. i go to the right, i go up down left, and sometimes split in half! what am i?
He pulled the shortest straw, only they didn't have straws, so they used matches?
why are my riddles too easy?
you got it all. so.. here's the story:
A couple friends decide to go out ballooning. They're having a grand time flying over the desert, until they realize they;re hurtling toward the ground. (they were high up, i guess) they throw off all they're clothes, but it doesn't help much. They realize that one of them will have to go. Being a hot-air balloon, they have matches to light the burners. they snap one match and put the half in a box (or whatever) with other matches. He is the one to draw the "short straw." He jumps off to save his fellow passengers, and they do survive, but he dies from the fall. There you go.
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks. Every sack held seven cats. Every cat had seven kits. (kittens) Kits, cats, sacks, wives, how many were going to St. Ives?
yeah... i used to know soo many really good riddles, i even wrote them all down. but now i forget them and i lost the paper they were really good riddles.
the easiest riddle of all:
the more you take out of me, the bigger i get. what am i?