OKAY! So. As a few may already know, Tacky and I are making an adventure of sorts. Who knows what it will lead to? BUT! Here is your chance to become a part of something that could very well take off and wind itself in the history of AG!
Here is the template that we have figured so far.
Picture, optional. Nickname: So we can call you easier. What you are: Fairy, Bunny, etc.etc. Description of your characters look Description of your characters personality And how have you contributed to any section of the Forums.
Thank you, and we will probably upload a bit of it tonight, if not tomorrow.
I would critique this, but seeing how you picture me, I better keep it low. However, a few mentions, you can ignore or otherwise: The story telling seems somewhat loose and sketchy. Seeing this is a collab, you might want to do a bit of organizing what you actually want to tell and in what tense. While it seems obvious it is told in your own PoV, it might be useful to still announce it at the top of the text, considering you might start experimenting. A bit of the yelling (caps, dragging out words, exclamation points) looks odd as you have done it, and while I know you have done it for effect, it is worth it to remember both regular writing habits as well of what you would actually say. (That is, an exclamation point as well as "Yelled -character-" does point out what is happening, while caps and excessive !s are annoying to look at. Another example would be "WOLLLLFFF" which would, if actually said, end up sounding odd).
Oh, and programming? That's Dank's job. And I look forward to the day someone gets the characters right/actually want the characters in for the character, not just add the name to whatever. Ahem.
There was only one or two typos in the whole thing, so it was very easy to read. I really liked it, awesome intro! I especially liked the thought of jumping into threads and moving through the users, really creative! Can't wait for more! :3
And I look forward to the day someone gets the characters right/actually want the characters in for the character, not just add the name to whatever. Ahem.
Well Honestly I only know you and Strop, so I can only really use you two. And Walker... Anyways, I was tickled at that picture of you in the WoM, strangling Strop with your tie, so I let you be angry. Go on, be angry.
Thank you for the feedback, it will be used in future updates.
well, Strop to be arrogant too? It's not a problem, it is just quite OoC in the situation. It's not like it is a problem, it just consistently bugs me.
._. Why don't you just ruin it? Why don't you? No, go on ahead. Don't even take into consideration that one has been here not ever half a year and the other doesn't really talk to many mods or get involved with the WoM.
Why don't you just ruin it? Why don't you? No, go on ahead.
Nah, I'm a nice guy. Obviously. Or not. If I may: It is usually a good idea to get to know the characters you plan on using. That is what character sheets are for, to some degree. But hey, it was to be ignored anyway.
Nah, I'm a nice guy. Obviously. Or not. If I may: It is usually a good idea to get to know the characters you plan on using. That is what character sheets are for, to some degree. But hey, it was to be ignored anyway.
Well, I could get to know the people, but I'm sure that in your eyes I am nothing but a bit of spam to be tucked away.
So I don't.
There will be an update either tonight, or tomorrow.
Thank you to all who have submitted an application, it is appreciated and you will be in the story at some point in time.
Picture, optional. Nickname: So we can call you easier. What you are: Fairy, Bunny, etc.etc. Description of your characters look Description of your characters personality And how have you contributed to any section of the Forums.
Picture: Maybe later Nickname: Master What you are: Either an artist or a programmer, you decide DOYCL: average 15 year old male DOYCP: strong, smart, keeps to himself I contribute mostly to tavern but it depends on the mood I'm in. I would do more art if i had the time. I would contribute to the programming forums more if they weren't so inactive.
P.S. i know tacky said "By the way, submissions for character templates will be closed temporarily." but just giving you this in case you need it for later.
Okie day followers. Even though Tacky isn't here yet, in which case I am questioning my ability to do this, I have made an official email account for this.
If you have any questions, about ANYTHING. Do NOT post it on here, email it to AdventuresOfArmorGames@yahoo.com Please in the subject, give your AG name first, then state your question.