OKAY! So. As a few may already know, Tacky and I are making an adventure of sorts. Who knows what it will lead to? BUT! Here is your chance to become a part of something that could very well take off and wind itself in the history of AG!
Here is the template that we have figured so far.
Picture, optional. Nickname: So we can call you easier. What you are: Fairy, Bunny, etc.etc. Description of your characters look Description of your characters personality And how have you contributed to any section of the Forums.
Thank you, and we will probably upload a bit of it tonight, if not tomorrow.
Let me remind everyone that we want to keep this thread as squeaky clean from pointless chatting as possible. And we can conclude that I ninja'd you, Dragon. xD
Also, for those that do email us, when you send it, you don't have to really say anything until we give you further instructions, unless you have a preference that you want to change for your character.
Okay, so we have a few applicants to be in the team. But we need more. If you want in the team, email AdventuresOfArmorGames@yahoo.com, the subject must contain your AG username, and then "Team." So it would be like "MoonFairy: Team" or "TackyCrazyTNT: Team" We will email you further instructions from there.
Most of us were wondering why it was stickied in the first place. Turned out that one of us temporarily stickied it to aid his reading and he forgot to unsticky it when he was done lol.
As a rule these kinds of threads don't get stickied for two reasons, one principled, the other practical:
1) It's a warts-and-all actively updated OCT thread with a lot of extraneous content, which is not presently approved by mods and admin as a "canon archive", whatever this may be.
2) When threads of a certain nature get stickied they also get missed. It's strange but it happens. To encourage the regular user to look at all the threads, particularly in this section, keeping a thread like this unstickied is probably better for business, if you know what I mean.
That said everybody seems to have a different reason for not reading stickies, but the net result is still the same: very few people read stickied threads.
That said everybody seems to have a different reason for not reading stickies, but the net result is still the same: very few people read stickied threads.
The vast majority just spam them.
I still wonder why so many don't read them, considering they are there to help. Most of them are not rules, it is either guidelines or help... *shrug*
WHY HELLO THAR. Okay, so we kind of sort of have a list of who all is in, so this is a notification that the Team will be closed shortly. As soon as Tacky gives me the okay, we will be posting some really great stories that people entered, along with a bit of an update. So stay tuned, yo'.
Double U. Tee. Eff. THE THIRD PAGE?! WAAAAAAT?! You guys... don't let this thing die D: *sniffles* Just because we didn't keep your attention long enough doesn't mean you need to let is die ):
Well I have no response from Tacky. She is in school I guess. We have a really really good idea of where we are going to go with the teams and such, but we just need to be online at the same time. So. Yeah.