ForumsGame WalkthroughsWizard's Run Survival Mode Walkthrough

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Hey Armor Game's community, this is my first forum topic.

Wizard's Run came out back in November of last year, so I guess I'm kinda late to post a guide. But for those who still play it and want to get the score of 777 in survival mode, take notes from the guy who got 777 first, me.

First off, here is my talent tree:

Right here

Now, I will tell you a little bit about how I beat survival...

First off, you equip the spells Fireball, Smite, and that Ice attack.

A few seconds in the mobs will begin coming, all you have to do is walk left and right holding A, S, and D (or Z, X, and C) so all the spells fire at once and decimate the enemies. Your mana should regenerate fast enough to keep your mana pool up, although you may have to stop for a bit if you just continually fire.

If you get hit before 450 seconds, quickly replace a spell with the healing spell and then switch back so you can begin firing again.

Now, at about 400-450 second SWITCH A SPELL TO HEALING! Because the only thing you will be doing for the next 327 seconds is dodging as well as you can and healing as fast as you can. You are bound to get hit a TON, but the longer you go without being hit, the more hp you will have every time your healing spell becomes available.

Make sure your healing spell is on cooldown 100% of the time. Use it ASAP or else you will die.

My technique is to go around the screen just fast enough to stay ahead of the bats and necromancer blast and yes, I get hit a lot, but I manage to dodge just enough that I can make it to the end and win!

That's pretty much it Good luck!

(I really recommend never using fire to try and clear it, it is powerful, but the number of enemies becomes so immense that you have no chance.)

O.K. so there is my guide. I suppose it is late... sorry about that, I just found out about the forums. Funny thing is I post in a lot of other game forums, so I feel kind of stupid.


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Thx for your help! That's brilliant!

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