ForumsWEPREygpt, Libya, Syria?

2 1898
30 posts

Anyone else think that what is happening in these countries has the potential to be way, way, WAY more powerful in the world's (specifically the US) war on terrorism - I included the world, because, really, no one wants someone blowing up a car in their country.

My viewpoint, and from what I was fortunate enough to witness when I was active duty, is the way recruitment works with various terrorist cells is that they use political resentment with the youth of these communities (namely Eygpt and Libya as major countries for recruitment), to convince people that if they want to achieve change for their families, the only way that would achieve results also results in you no longer being around. Which brings me to my point, this shows the same youth that were potential recruits before that there is a way that doesn't require you to kill yourself to achieve change. I think this movement we are seeing in the middle east and N. Africa is absolutely key to future political relations abroad.

  • 2 Replies
2,420 posts

Of course. For one, they are much closer to countries that have terrorism. They also have a large affect since they are all predominantly Muslim countries. You think a Muslim thousands of miles away will want to follow what a Christian American has to say? No.

Religion divides and unites people. You also have to keep in mind that these are terrorist organizations.

It could go either way. Sorry, but I like to go towards the dichotomy on the subject of terrorism.

30 posts

I think both of you missed the primary point that both Eygpt and Libya are/were primary countries for recruitment of extremist.

Muslin extremist don't care what any one considered part of the "west" has to say, this isn't just American Christians, it's also American Hindu's, British, Australia, France, Italy, really anyone that is separate from their view points. I'm not religious at all, but understand the way that muslim extremist leaders utilize extreme ignorance (the average extremist that was arrested is unable to read even on a 5th grade level) to make the Koran say what they want it to say.

E1337: I do agree with you, extremist account for such a marginally small percentage of the muslim community that it's a joke.

The point that is relevant to the situations in the middle east / N. Africa is that it is showing potential recruits that people can achieve the change they want, in the direction they want it to go. Which i think is phenomenal

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