I know that every time it comes out that the government is monitoring people, in any way, there is a MASSIVE public outcry. However, Iphone does it, and while it does get mentioned on CNN there is no public outcry, there haven't been any relevant statements from apple....really nothing...I find this whole thing kind of ironic as well, considering their infamous TV smashing commercial.
Anywho, my question is, do we have some kind of double standard for businesses that we don't see as part of the "man" that allows them to get away with things that we would lose our composure if it was the government, or Wal-mart or some other institution considered the "man"?
It could be that it was overshadowed by Apple releasing its earnings. That certainly made some investors happy. Really though I kinda agree that some companies just have more leeway in the public eye than others.
The difference between private companies monitoring and government monitoring is that no private company has ever suppressed people like the Stalin's USSR or Zedong's China.
I will give you a check in the box for making a valid point in so far as government. However, the second part of the equation was corporations that wouldn't get away with the same thing.
Google and Apple do it and we are all content to go along with it. However, if it came out that Wal-Mart, or say Haliburton was utilizing the same practice there would be significant more back lash.
Why is this on WEPR? Shouldn't it be on the Tavern? Anyways, go to this site to opt out of the watching. I saw this on TV, and traced back the website to this. Access the site on your iPhone or iPod touch. Then follow instructions. Link:
The topic isn't a "Zomg apple is watching me what do I dooooo"
It is rooted in current affairs based in the question of surveillance and the different bias that we, as people, have when it comes to a company that we like, and a company we don't like, or a government agency.
That's why I asked the question that I asked in the second paragraph of the OP.
Mobile phone companies also collect this type of data, but, as the researchers point out, that data "normally requires a court order to gain access to it, whereas this is available to anyone who can get their hands on your phone or computer."
People who get access to your phone or computer can do a lot more than that. This is the least of my worries if my computer get stolen. If my phone gets stolen (i don't have an iphone) than they still only know i live within the range of a certain cell tower. Besides, the iphone probably does this when an app asks to use your current location.
I don't like iPhones. Dunno if they really spy people... but still I don't like them. "Spying" is becoming popular in this period... if you are on facebook, everyone knows everything about you. If you have a Google account, Google knows what research (and so what products) you are interested in. Whenever you use a telephone (even a regular wired telephone) someone may be listening. And so on. I don't think we can blame a single company for spying people, we should blame the system which allows this. How? Asking for stricter laws about spying, maybe...
I think google is the number one offender that we allow to know absolutely everything about us, and joke about it amongst ourselves...but in reality if we didn't enjoy the free services they offered so much we would all be a little hesitant about one company knowing everything from your credit card number to what sick perverted porn you like.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not the paranoid type sitting here sweating about Iphones watching us and google taking over the world. I work for Sprint as a technician and know how easily it is to modify your phone. I just think it's entertaining the hypocrisy that we create for ourselves.
speaking of google theres a funny video on youtube about opting out of it by The Onion heres the link for it its pretty off topic but who doesnt need a good laugh?
i dont see why its a big deal on why they know where your at..i could see it being a big deal if they could use the phone to see through the camera on the iphone to see what ur doing but sense people are always telling others where there at on facebook so i dont see any wrong with it