Yeah, I'm pretty sure they don't hire anyone under a certain age.
However, with some work, you could try and become a moderator.
Moderators do the following things (quoted from a mod's profile):
Moderators are user volunteers who have been selected by Administrators to help maintain the web site. Their duties including removing spam from the forums, locking forum threads, and helping users understand and follow the Terms and Conditions of being a member on the site and posting rules and guidelines for posting messages in the forums, game comments or user comments. Moderators can issue temporary bans from the site for users who do not follow rules, and are in contact with Administrators regarding permanent bans for repeat or major offenses.
However, you must first be an active member of AG, preferably for a long time, and all the mods must agree on this decision.
It would be kind of weird if I just went into the office and introduced myself. I wonder if anyone would recognize me...
I think they have fingerprint recognition scanners or something, so you wouldn't be able to just walk in. XD They wouldn't, but you could be all "HEY I'M BUNNEH!"
Probably if you want to go there, you have to at least be a mod, or very well-known, like firetail for example.
i doubt firetail would go. he's disappeared off the radar. maybe in his younger days...
and now back to the original point of this thread.
Hello, I just want to know how can I be an administrator of Armor Games.
i'm afraid you will probably never become an administrator. maybe if you wait until you're just a little (not a little) older, and then get a lot of experience in computer stuff, and finally find the AG crew and get yourself hired somehow, you will become one. but i doubt that will happen
As others have said, admins of the site are paid employees of the company. We have all had long careers in game or web development, and love what we do.
It's an office, not a secret underground CIA headquarters.
Doesn't meant its not an underground AG headquarters where they plot their 4 part plan to take over the world. But they still probably have some security.
On a side note, the OP has been perma'd.
That's has to be a world record or something. I don't even think that its even possible (partly because they will probably temp-ban you first than perma), so it might just be a database error.