Recently, there was a man speaking the truth becuse the situation now in saudi is pretty bad. he said that he wasn't afraid to go to jail forsaying his mind to the camera.
when they tried contacting him again a message came saying the number was unavailible. any guess about what the saudi police did? he did the right thing though. he spoke the truth. because he waned the government to realise that 70% of people don't own a house. and i should know. i have seen some homeless people.
why is this happening? economy. the saudi government is importing people from the phillipines to do the work leaving normal people jobless.
True, but the reason why the other countries aren't like Saudi Arabia is because they do not follow the Islamic code as much as Saudi Arabia.
True, but the danger is in them being fanatic, not Islam itself. If they were Christian and followed every rule in the Bible they'd still crazy stuff. Besides, if this is true:
the saudi government is importing people from the phillipines to do the work leaving normal people jobless.
then this only proves that the government is bad, even when it comes to non-religious matters.
saudi arabia is the best country one can stay in its peacefull as u say that there are 70% homeless people here.just show me one saudi or legal alien who dont have a house over 80% people have cars life standard is higher than usa from change your news source dudes
saudi arabia is the best country one can stay in its peacefull as u say that there are 70% homeless people here.just show me one saudi or legal alien who dont have a house over 80% people have cars life standard is higher than usa from change your news source dudes
Yeah, except if you are a woman, homosexual, non-muslim, trying to leave Islam, a witch (yes, there's a death penalty for witchcraft)...