For the GOP? Gee... either Sarah 'Crackpot' Palin, Michelle 'Crazy Biotch' Bachmann, Donald 'Hair' Trump, or Mike 'Bush' Huckabee.
Huckabee makes me angry with this...
Huckabee is a staunch opponent of gay marriage, gun control...
And everything just in the world. Whoever the GOp picks will probably be blown out because of this video. You can tell he's racist because of how he says Barack Obama
its funny because the ad at the top of this page is for donald trump. but hey he knows how to throw his money around. maybe he can help this country's debt/economy...hahaha its hard to say he'd be a good president without giggling.
I think this election could be a bit of a Jimmy Carter, with people just sick of Obama. I don't like the man, but I think the reason people don't like him is simply because he's president. But I doubt he'll be re-elected. As for the GOP; I'd have to go with Trump XD I'd vote for him!
I think this election could be a bit of a Jimmy Carter, with people just sick of Obama. I don't like the man, but I think the reason people don't like him is simply because he's president. But I doubt he'll be re-elected. As for the GOP; I'd have to go with Trump XD I'd vote for him!
Well... Considering how much scorn republicans have been getting around the country. And because of this video.
This is the first time in my life that the person I think will win and the person I think should win are the same person....... and of all people, it's Donald Trump.......
I think it's going to be someone that comes out of right field (HAH! GET IT! RIGHT FIELD!) If you look at the democratic potentials this period before last elections Obama wasn't even a blimp on the radar. I think it is going to be someone similar for the republicans. Palin has no chance, trump has no chance (of securing the GOP seat). I wouldn't be surprised to see Bobby Jindal show his face for the election, and if he ran - which there seems to be a lot of evidence to support he is thinking about it- I think he would do exceptionally well.
Huckabee will run for nomination, but I'm not sure he can secure the votes he needs since a large amount of republicans are now socially moderate but fiscally conservative.