iTrojans how many times you've been hacked in this forum? And your mail? And your bank account? Do you live everyday thinking "i shouldn't born cuz i can die"?
Anyway what's the point of hacking someone's account in a game's website? Will it be worth the effort? Maybe if the hacker was you, but if it was me, i would prefer hacking more serious stuff.
Seriously, how many years old have the people on this forum? 5? Geez...
Yes, its that i dont know if they really read our sugestions or not. Every reason that people wrote here about not having a save progress system are just not enough to stop armorgames from doing it. Im a webdesigner for about 10 years, I've been part of some really big projects and, if armorgames is well structured, there's no reason not to have this feature. It would be very good for armorgames and us. Also, it would be innovative.
In a sense, it is a good idea. But also, having that sort of storage system would cost AG money, because they would have to store the information on that account, instead of your computers harddisk.
Krizaz what you mean by "store the information on that account"? For a computer that such of thing doesn't exist. For us it would be like you said, to store the information on that account, but for the computer it would only be to relate a saved game to a account in a DataBase. That would be even more easy to do than this forum. Think this way, this forum relates each post to an user. That way this forum can tell that this post is myne, and the previous is yours Its very easy to achieve this result, and cheap.
Now, the costs for Armorgames, lets imagine Armorgames has 100,000 user accounts. And lets imagine that, each saved game has 5KB of maximum size. Each player can save up to 1MB (and i think its too much) for example, after that, old saved games would start to be deleted. So if each user has 1MB and there are 100,000 users, Armorgames would need 100GB right? Nowadays, even I can get 100GB almost for free.
For example at this website i wont tell the name because of the rules, this is how much it costs per month to buy 150GB:
I think this cheap system would be very good for Armorgames. It would please the players, and for Armorgames that would be good to get more clients to play, and to make them return to the site!!
I responded to the other thread too, but I'll echo my comment here and then lock this thread.
We make the AGI "game save" feature available to any developers who choose to use it. Many don't. We don't make it mandatory to use, but those that choose to use our interface library can do things like submit high scores, submit "game shares" (like new castles in Crush The Castle, etc) and so on. But it's at the discretion of the game developer as to whether they want to invest the time to implement it within their game.